2024年4月1日 星期一

mumble, indistinct sound or utterance. 呢喃核(英語:Mumblecore)是2000年之後在美國獨立電影界獲得關注的流派 mumblecore films,

Greta Celeste Gerwig is an American actress, writer, and director. Initially known for working on mumblecore films, she has since expanded from acting in ...

In the first study, 286 clubbers were observed while they were talking with loud music in the background. In total, 72% of interactions occurred on the right side of the listener. In the second study, researchers approached 160 clubbers and mumbled an inaudible, meaningless utterance and waited for the subjects to turn their head and offer either their left or their right ear. They then asked them for a cigarette.

在第一份研究中,研究人員觀察286名在吵雜的音樂聲中與人交談的夜店族。整 體而言,72%的互動都是發生在聆聽者的右邊。在第二份研究中,研究人員走向160名夜店族,在他們身邊發出聽不到,沒有意義的聲音,等待研究樣本轉過頭 來,用左耳或右耳聆聽。然後問他們有沒有菸。

Overall, 58% offered their right ear for listening and 42% their left.

:動詞,含糊地說,咕噥著說。例句:"I’m sorry, " he mumbled.(他嘟囔著說:「我很抱歉。」)

v., -bled, -bling, -bles. v.tr.
  1. To utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth: mumbled an insincere apology.
  2. To chew slowly or ineffectively without or as if without teeth.
  1. To speak words indistinctly, as by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth.
  2. To chew food slowly or ineffectively, as if with the gums.

A low indistinct sound or utterance.

[Middle English momelen, from Middle Dutch mommelen.]

mumbler mum'bler n.
mumbly mum'bly adj.

utterance: 名詞,話語、發言。例句:The senator’s weekend utterances were promptly rebutted by three of his colleagues on Monday.(這位參議員週末的發言,週一迅速遭到三名同僚抵制。)《中英對照讀新聞》Right ear is ’better for hearing’ 右耳較適合聆聽 ◎鄭寺音

呢喃核(英語:Mumblecore)是2000年之後在美國獨立電影界獲得關注的流派。這個流派的電影特點是由超低預算製片(常常由手持的數碼攝影機完成)、關注20歲左右年輕人的情感生活、即興創作的劇本、非專業演員出演。可以被劃分為這個流派的導演有:Andrew BujalskiMark DuplassJay DuplassAaron Katz 以及 Joe Swanberg

呢喃核這個稱謂最早是由Bujalski的一位音響編輯Eric Masunaga提出來的。[1]平時也以「mumblecorps」的叫法出現。影評人也有把這個類型的電影叫做「bedhead cinema」或者「Slackavettes」,後者用以向獨立電影導演John Cassavetes致敬。

2007年,獨立電影頻道中心在紐約市開辦了一個以10部呢喃核電影短片為主題的影展:The New Talkies: Generation D.I.Y




  1. ^ 纽约时报 (2007年8月19日): "A Generation Finds Its Mumble" by Dennis Lim[2007年9月14日]. (原始內容存檔於2022年4月8日).
  2. ^ [Defining Mumblegore] Low Budget Found Footage Film CREEP Exemplifies a Lo-Fi Genre. Nightmare on Film Street. 2019-06-24 [2019-07-26]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-08).
  3. 移至:3.0 3.1 10 Essential Mumblecore Films[2014-05-07]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-27).
