2024年4月6日 星期六

Gen X, X-er, Generation X, terry, thread. As Generation X inches toward retirement, they’re already seeking homes that will suit their later years.

In New Yorker Humor, Susanna Wolff offers some reasons why your response has been delayed. See them all: http://nyer.cm/aPnbcfq

email 的cc list 叫 thread 

META 在 6 日推出挑戰 Twitter 的新平台「Threads」氣勢如虹,由於帳號連結本身有 10 億用戶的 IG,推出第一日用戶已經突破 3000 萬,但陸續有用戶指出問題,除了暫未能使用 hashtag、網頁版外,用戶更發現由於 Threads 的帳戶連結到 IG,所以不能獨立刪除。

Threads 的附加隱私政策亦列明,用戶雖然可以隨時停用 Threads 個人檔案,即將 Threads deactivate,「但 Threads 個人檔案只能透過刪除您的 Instagram帳號來刪除」,這發現亦外國網民嘩然,形容是陷阱,外媒引述 IG 產品負責人 Adam Mosseri 回應承諾會改善,但現時未有時間表,他又指用戶可以停用 Threads 帳號,隱藏個人檔案和內容,或將個人檔案設為不公開,但 Threads 類似附屬 IG 的平台,共用同一個帳號,所以目前無法單獨刪除 Threads 帳號。

Gen X Finally Takes Over

Tammy Erickson

As an X-er steps into the White House, the same power shift is unfolding in corporations around the globe. More


Generation X

(jĕn'ə-rā'shən) pronunciation


The generation following the post–World War II baby boom, especially people born in the United States and Canada from the early 1960s to the late 1970s.

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generation Show phonetics
group noun [C]
1 all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family:
The younger generation smoke/smokes less than their parents did.
There were at least three generations - grandparents, parents and children - at the wedding.
It's our duty to preserve the planet for future generations.
This painting has been in the family for generations.
See also generation at generate.

2 a group of products or machines which are all at the same stage of development:
a new generation of low-fat margarines
Scientists are working on developing the next generation of supercomputers.

3 a period of about 23 to 30 years, in which most human babies become adults and have their own children:
A generation ago, home computers were virtually unknown.

4 first/second/third, etc. generation describes the nationality of someone belonging to the first/second/third, etc. group of people of the same age in the family to have been born in that country:
She's a second generation American (= her parents were American, although their parents were not).
Terry Miller

如前得克薩斯大學橄欖球隊教練達雷爾•羅伊(Darrell Royal)常說的﹐當面對一場極富挑戰性的比賽時﹐你需要“和把自己帶到舞會上的人共舞”。 羅伊的意思是﹐即便是面臨艱巨的新挑戰﹐一個人最好也別丟掉曾讓他取得成功的“制勝法則”。在眼下美國和其他經濟體面臨恢復經濟增長的艱巨任務時﹐這是一個不錯的忠告。


noun U ]
(UK also terry towelling)(US also terry cloth)
type of thick cotton cloth with short threads on each side, used especially for making towels (= thick cloths used for drying)
 picture of terry
K Vta Nnth Sunthrsiri/EyeEm/GettyImages
