2024年4月14日 星期日

effected, cause and effect. The New Science of Cause and Effect. oligarch, paradigm, robber baron, impotence pill Viagra could have effects in the brain that may help fight dementia

The Royal Opera House has mounted three productions of The Midsummer Marriage, in 1955, 1968 and 1996.[6] The 1996 production was revived in 2005, to mark the centenary of Tippett's birth.[7][8] Barbara Hepworth effected the costumes and stage designs for the lavish original (1955) production. Choreography was by John Cranko.[9]

The Seine at Port Villez, Snow Effect by Claude Monet.

The impotence pill could have effects in the brain that may help fight dementia, US researchers have said.

Viagra may be useful against Alzheimer's dementia

To professors who track the fast-changing nature of content on the Internet, not to mention Google officials, the idea of Google as a robber baron is fanciful. Google has no interest in controlling content, Mr. Clancy said, and in the few cases where it does create its own content — maps or financial information, for instance — it tries to make it available free.

Moscow's underground art scene

As the Russian oligarchs turn to contemporary art, the artists fear

The DW-WORLD Article

How Capitalism Was Built: The Transformation of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia
By Anders Aslund. Cambridge University Press; 384 pages; $25.99 and £15.99

A rich and detailed chronicle of the unsteady transition from central planning to market economies, with a particularly good chapter on the rise of the Russian oligarchs and how they differ from the 19th-century American robber barons.

offers his take on how the paradigm has shifted

In the latest of DealBook's "Another View" opinion columns, Alan Patricof, the prominent venture capitalist and managing director of Greycroft Partners, offers his take on how the paradigm has shifted for the venture business.

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect

"Correlation is not causation." This mantra, chanted by scientists for more than a century, has led to a virtual prohibition on causal talk. Today, that taboo is dead. The causal revolution, instigated by Judea Pearl and his colleagues, has cut through a century of confusion and established causality -- the study of cause and effect -- on a firm scientific basis. His work explains how we can know easy things, like whether it was rain or a sprinkler that made a sidewalk wet; and how to answer hard questions, like whether a drug cured an illness. Pearl's work enables us to know not just whether one thing causes another: it lets us explore the world that is and the worlds that could have been. It shows us the essence of human thought and key to artificial intelligence. Anyone who wants to understand either needs The Book of Why.


  1. 1((形式))〈変化などを〉(結果として)もたらす,引き起こす,〈目的・計画などを〉達成する
    • Budget cuts were effected.
    • 予算削減は達成された
  2. 2〈保険・規則などを〉発効させる;〈業務などを〉実施[遂行]する

his take 他的見解
paradigm has shifted 一般人思考方式不同了


━━ n. 範例; 【文法】語形変化表; パラダイム ((理論[認識]の枠組み)); 【コンピュータ】パラダイム ((一定の研究方式や開発方式)).
 ━━ a.
 par・a・dig・mat・i・cal・ly ━━ ad.

oligarchy group noun [C or U]
(government by) a small group of powerful people
. on Page 1:
" ... Macaulay and the Victorian Whigs, has dwindled into the conservative reaction of a selfish oligarchy. Especially when compared with modern revolutions"
2. on Page 15:
" ... 50 years of national impotence and aristocratic factionalism. It would have established an oligarchy as unlimited as that absolute monarchy which generations in seventeenth- century England ... "
3. on Page 26:
"politics of coercion gave way to those of consensus; the objective of an exclusive oligarchy was replaced by the uninspiring but solid appeal of a ruling coalition open to anyone prepared to pay ... "
4. on Page 29:
"Walpole system


--> ━━ n. 寡頭政治(国); ((集合的)) その執政者たち.
noun [C]
one of the people in an oligarchy

Oligarch,寡頭。歐盟每年花費650億美元補貼農業,但時報調查發現 ,在整個匈牙利以及中歐和東歐的大部分地區,這些錢大多都流向了寡頭(oligarchs)和民粹主義者的口袋。 Oligarch來自希臘語,意為寡頭政治家、寡頭統治集團成員;寡頭政治指的是由少數人掌握政權的一種統治形式。

robber baron 〔米〕 どろぼう男爵 ((19世紀末の悪徳資本家)).
