2024年4月15日 星期一

putative, bracketed, riposte, tome, atheist, Get a peek into the bizarre daily routines of top CEOs, from 3:30 a.m. workouts to late-night massages.

Get a peek into the bizarre daily routines of top CEOs, from 3:30 a.m. workouts to late-night massages.

TikTok’s wooers don't have much experience running a social-media platform. They could try something new


TikTok's putative American buyers could rethink social media

Could you build a better TikTok?

A weighting game

THE Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a putative trade agreement, would ease commerce between America, Japan and ten other countries that between them account for...


Outwith installation, 2014

Outwith is a collaboration between Sally Underwood and Roxy Walsh, between sculpture and painting.

Dwellings and small architectures have been central to Underwood and Walsh’s work: sculptures sitting in a painted scape, with paintings housed inside. At Art Exchange, ‘shelter’ or location is provided by a putative tree. Its exposed roots are bracketed by small walls of engineering brick and kindling, and the thin blue light of winter is echoed in watercolour above.

In the great majority of countries, things are in some respect harder for atheists, humanists and the non-religious than they are for devout fellow-citizens. The extent of this disadvantage can vary a lot: from having to put up with political systems that accord certain privileges to faith, to an immediate danger of death. Those are some of the main points in a report that was published recently http://econ.st/19E9SBX

A word of advice to the putative chief justice: when using a pun in a judicial opinion, do not write "excuse the bad pun."

A US warship sailed through the Taiwan Strait in what the American military described as a "routine" passage Wednesday, but enraging China, which claims sovereignty over the island and surrounding seas.

US destroyer sails through Taiwan Strait, prompting angry riposte from Beijing | Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
A US warship sailed through the Taiwan Strait in what the American military described as a “routine” passage Wednesday, but enraging China, which claims sovereignty over the island and surrounding seas. Ties between Beijing and Washington have deteriorated in recent months, over issues including...

 This study adopts a double approach to the poetry composed between the end of the first century B.C.E. and the third century C.E. First, it examines extant material from this period synchronically, as if it were not historically arranged, with some poems attached to authors and some not. By setting aside putative differences of author and genre, Stephen Owen argues, we can see that this was "one poetry," created from a shared poetic repertoire and compositional practices. Second, it considers how the scholars of the late fifth and early sixth centuries selected this material and reshaped it to produce the standard account of classical poetry.

on Page 51:

"26 That is to say, events and actions in a putative "real world" occur concurrently with mental events in the consciousness of the protagonists. A discordant linkage ... "

The idea here, which filters throughout the film, is that culturally Russians are bifurcated, forever obliged to see themselves through both Russian and European lenses. But as for the putative corollary that Russian art is necessarily inferior, I would say Russian Ark itself constitutes a witty riposte to that, since it's easily as accomplished as any European "art film" of late, and perhaps even more impressive as a vessel of European tradition both cultural and cinematic.

Management tomes to make you groan By Lucy Kellaway 2009-12-30


VERB (bracketsbracketingbracketed)

[WITH OBJECT]Back to top  
1Enclose (words or figures) in brackets:(as adjective bracketedthe relevant data isincluded as bracketed points
1.1 Mathematics Enclose (a complex expression) in brackets to denote that the whole of theexpression rather than just a part of it has aparticular relation, such as multiplication or division, to another expression.
1.2 Put (a belief or matteraside temporarily:
he bracketed off the question of God himself
tome (tōm) pronunciation
  1. One of the books in a work of several volumes.
  2. A book, especially a large or scholarly one.
[French, from Latin tomus, from Greek tomos, a cutting, section, from temnein, to cut.]

adjective [before noun] FORMAL想像的;推定的;傳說的
generally thought to be or to exist, whether or not this is really true:
The putative leader of the terrorist organization was arrested by police in Birmingham yesterday.


  • 発音記号[pjúːtətiv]

[形]((限定))((形式))推定[想定]上の, うわさされている
China is the putative ancestor of Japanese culture.
[中フランス語←ラテン語putātīvus (putāre推定する)推定の. △DEPUTE
putative marriage:善意婚姻;推定婚姻:婚姻本身無效,然而當事人因不知其無效而結婚者。如不知兄妹關係之婚姻。

adverb FORMALri・poste

riposte, atheist, tome

Now, in a book written, according to its title page, “with” Roy Abraham Varghese — of whom more later — Flew tells the story of his “discovery of the divine.” This sounds like a victory for the faithful in the God wars: a welcome riposte to the atheist tomes of Richard Dawkins,
noun [C]
a quick and clever remark, often made in answer to a criticism:
She made a sharp/witty/neat riposte.

riposte, -post[ri・poste, -post]

  • 発音記号[ripóust | -pɔ'st]
1 《フェンシング》す早く突き返すこと.
2 ((形式))す早い応酬, (鋭い)反論, 反撃.
1 す早く突き返す.
2 ((形式))(…で)しっぺ返しをする;すばやく反論する((with ...)).
━━ n., vi. 【フェンシング】すばやい突き返し(をする); 当意即妙の受け答え[しっぺ返し]; 当意即妙にやり返す, 言い返す[し].
とういそくみょう 当意即妙
当意即妙の witty; smart.とうい-そくみょう たう―めう 1 【当意即妙】

〔仏教の、当位即妙から〕とういそくみょう たうゐそくめう 1 【当位即妙】

〔仏〕 あらゆるものが、その立場・あり方のままに真理にかなっていること。煩悩をもつ凡夫のあり方が、そのままで仏の真理に一致していること。


Pronunciation: /ˈeɪθɪɪst/

  • a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods:he is a committed atheist



Pronunciation: /-ˈɪstɪk/


Pronunciation: /-ˈɪstɪk(ə)l/
