2008年7月1日 星期二

blinker, blinkered


(blĭng'kərd) pronunciation

Subjective and limited, as in viewpoint or perception: “The characters have a blinkered view and, misinterpreting what they see, sometimes take totally inexpedient action” (Pauline Kael).

North Korea's blinkered culture.

馬眼罩(screens) 叫 blinders或 blinkers。
人有時也會戴上無形的馬眼罩,所以blinkered就是「目光狹隘的」,例如:(1) His blinkered views made him unpopular with the voters(他見解狹隘,因此得不到投票者支持)。(2) He is ignorant and blinkered(他無知,而且看事情只看一面)。

blinker Show phonetics
noun [C] US
a light on the outside of a vehicle which turns on and off quickly to show other people you are going to turn in that direction


━━ n. またたきする人; 明滅信号灯; 方向指示器; (pl.) =blinders; (pl.) ちりよけめがね.
have blinkers on …が理解できない.
blink・ered a. (馬が)目隠しされた; 視野の狭い.
