2008年7月12日 星期六

measurements, catchphrase, Zwischentöne

In 1988 he founded the Ensemble Zwischentöne.

13.07. - Concert Hour: Deutsche Welle Festival Concert

Heidelberg Spring (II): Zwischentöne was the motto of the most recent
edition of this festival. In a musical sense, that means the "in-between
notes," but in a wider sense it might be translated as "implicit
thoughts," "hidden messages" or "nuances."

The DW-WORLD Article

The change can be seen in the advertising world, where Japanese models and actresses have replaced Westerners as the faces of beauty products.
Leading cosmetic maker Shiseido recently launched an advertising campaign for its Tsubaki shampoo with the slogan, "Japanese women are beautiful."
"Women today choose products and services for their own measurements. They always ask themselves if it suits for them," Kishi said.

Nike has been marketing its 'Just do it' slogan since 1988. In Europe, it is trying out a new, softer catchphrase on young women: 'Here I am.'

noun [C]
a phrase which is often repeated by and therefore becomes connected with a particular organization or person, especially someone famous such as a television entertainer
measure (SIZE)
verb [L only + nounT]
to discover the exact size or amount of something, or to be of a particular size:
"Will the table fit in here?" "I don't know - let's measure it."
This machine measures your heart rate.
He measured the flour into the bowl.
The area, measuring/which measures 5 kilometres by 3 kilometres, has been purchased by the army.

1 [C or U] a unit used for stating the size, weight, etc. of something, or a way of measuring:
weights and measures
The sample's density is a measure of its purity.

2 [C or U] FORMAL amount:
There was large measure of agreement between the candidates.
His success was in some measure due to his being in the right place at the right time.

3 [C] an exact amount, especially of alcohol:
One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer or a standard measure of spirits.

4 [C] US FOR bar (MUSIC)

able to be measured, or large enough to be noticed:
The service produces clear, measurable benefits to people's health.


1 [C or U] the act or process of measuring:
The test is based on the measurement of blood levels.
The machine makes thousands of measurements every day.

2 [C] the size, shape, quality, etc. of something, which you discover by measuring it:
The measurements of both rooms were identical.
What is your inside leg measurement?

plural noun
Your measurements are the sizes of various parts of your body, especially your chest, waist and hips, which you refer to when you want to buy clothes.
