2008年7月5日 星期六

improvement, alteration, discipline and culture

KEY WORDS by Raymond Williams


原書引許多英文名文,都只引幾字,沒整句和上下文,所以翻譯時應設法了解,我只舉Jane Austen的兩本小說EmmaPersuasion (第五章) 之兩語為例說明:

例一(p.180):"A state of alteration, perhaps of improvement"翻譯成:「處於改造的狀態,或許是在改善的狀態中。」
這原文為……The Musgroves, like their houses, were in a state of alteration, perhaps of
improvement. The father and mother were in the old English style,…..

其實 alternation 採用「變更」等意思較好。improvement 原先為增加土地・不動産的価値所做的"改良工事" 如果用在人身上呢 可能與改良或改善都不一樣......

勸導 裘因譯 上海譯文 p.41
"Musgrove一家 同他們這幢房子一樣 正經歷著變遷或演化的過程 " )'
hc評: "演化" 等也不妥

例二(p.180): Austen (Emma, 1816) ''every advantage of discipline and culture. 舉此為culture之用法之一史例。


Such was Jane Fairfax's history. She had fallen into good hands, known nothing but kindness from the Campbells, and been given an excellent education. Living constantly with right-minded and well-informed people, her heart and understanding had received every advantage of discipline and culture;


━━ n. 交互.
alternation of generations 【生物】世代交代[交番].


━━ n. 改善(された点) ((on, over)); 上達; 利用; (土地・不動産の価値を高める)改良工事.
improvement trade 加工賀易.


━━ n., v. 訓練[育](する); 訓練[学習]法; (情欲の)制御; 規律, 風紀; 懲戒(する); 【宗】修行; (大学の)学科, 学問分野.
 ━━ a., n. 訓練[育](上)の; 規律[懲戒]励行の; 厳格な(人); 訓育家.
dis・ci・pli・nar・y ━━ a. 訓育上の; 懲戒の; 規律の; 学問分野(上)の.
disciplinary penalty 懲戒.
dis・ci・plined ━━ a. 訓練された, 統率のとれた.


━━ n. 教養; 洗練; 修養; 文化; 耕作, 栽培; 飼育; 培養.
intellectual [physical] culture 知[体]育.
 ━━ a. 教養の; 文化の; 栽培の; 培養の.
cul・tur・al・ly ad.
cultural anthropology 文化人類学.
cultural lag 【社会】文化的遅滞.
cultural literacy (特定の社会の成員が共有している)文化的知識.
Cultural Revolution (the ~) (中国の)文化大革命.
 ━━ n.pl. 文化人, 学識経験者.
cul・tured ━━ a. 教養のある, 洗練された; 栽培された; 培養された; 養殖された.
culture gap (2つの民族・国家間などの)文化ギャップ.
culture medium 【生化】培養基, 培地.
culture shock カルチャーショック.
culture vulture 〔話〕 文化マニア ((文化知識をひけらかす人)).
