2008年7月19日 星期六

correlate,the likes, prefect, the fold, churn sth out , by (sheer) force/weight of numbers

In general, and with rare exceptions, the returns in love situations are roughly proportional to the amount of time and devotion invested. The amount of love you get from an investment in love is correlated, if only roughly, to the amount of yourself you invest in the relationship.

2006/12/16自由時報中英對照讀新聞 :Left-handers "think" more quickly (左撇子思考比較快)
問題:注解中的字眼 correlation如下:
correlation︰相互關係,關聯。例句:The correlation between climate and vegetation.(氣候與植物生長之間的關係。)
簡單定義:In probability theory and statistics, correlation, also calledcorrelation coefficient, indicates the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two random variables.
correlation coefficient相關係數
zero correlation零相關
Regression and correlation analysis迴歸與相關分析
市場學 Before-after correlation test前後相關測試
Tests in 80 right-handed volunteers showed there was a strong correlation between how quickly information was transferred across the left and right hemispheres and how quickly people spotted matching letters.
***Following the Money Trail Online


要了解這 house 的許多意義必須追述過去千年的歷史
house (SCHOOL GROUP) Show phonetics
noun [C] plural houses Show phonetics
any of a small number of groups which the children in a school are put in for sports and other competitions:
an inter-house football match這牽涉到他們寄宿學校的組成( 譬如說 house master的權威地位以及(風紀)學長們prefects的作為等等)和嚴厲的"家規".....

Will iPhone 2.0 Match iPod's Success?
Steve Jobs turned Apple's iPod business into a multibillion-dollar franchise by churning out innovations and refinements to the device every year. Can he do the same thing for the iPhone?

A medal match between China and Taiwan would be one of the great underdog-versus-top-dog narratives of the Games, not only because of the dominance of China in the sport, but also because of the unique relationship between the mainland and the island. The Chinese Communist Party regards Taiwan, a thriving democracy of 23 million, as a rebel province that must be brought back into the fold, by force if necessary.

Reuters India - Mumbai,IndiaReuters - US phone company AT&T has joined the likes of Google Inc, Microsoft Corp and IBM in delivering Web-based business services from its data centers ...

  1. One similar to or like another. Used with the: was subject to coughs, asthma, and the like.
  2. Informal. An equivalent or similar person or thing; an equal or match. Often used in the plural: I've never seen the likes of this before. We'll never see his like again.

fold (SHELTER) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a small area of a field surrounded by a fence where sheep can be put for shelter for the night

the fold noun [S]
your home or an organization where you feel you belong:
Her children are all away at college now, but they always return to the fold in the holidays.
by force 動武

by (sheer) force/weight of numbers
because the number of people or things was so great:
The crowd managed to force its way in by sheer weight of numbers.
churn sth out phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to produce large amounts of something quickly, usually something of low quality:
The factory churns out thousands of pairs of these shoes every week.
She churns out a new bestselling novel every year.


━━ n. (古代ローマの)長官; 知事; 〔英〕 (public schoolの)監督生.
 ━━ n. prefectの職[任期,管轄区,官邸]; 府, 県; (フランス・イタリアの)知事公邸.
pre・fec・tur・al  a.

noun [C or U]
a connection between two or more things, often one in which one of them causes or influences the other:
There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer.

verb [T]
Stress levels and heart disease are strongly correlated (= connected).
