What Do You Think? Are Followers About to Get Their Due?
http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/Leadership may be much-discussed, but followership merits equal attention, suggests HBS professor Jim Heskett. As a follower, what advice would you give other followers who want to have an impact on their jobs and organizations? As a leader, what do you do to foster good followership?
文章中提到 Zebra 比起馬來,很難馴養。Wikipedia 上有一些資料,大家可以參考看看。
Like most members of the horse family, zebras are highly sociable. Their social structure, however, depends on the species. Mountain zebras and Plains zebras live in groups, known as 'harems', consisting of one stallion with up to six mares and their foals. Bachelor males either live alone or with groups of other bachelors until they are old enough to challenge a breeding stallion. When attacked by packs of hyenas or wild dogs, a zebra group will huddle together with the foals in the middle while the stallion tries to ward them off.
noun [C]
a young horse
verb [I]
If a mare (= a female horse) foals, she gives birth to a baby horse.
noun [C]
an adult male horse which is used for breeding
Compare mare.
noun [C]
especially in the past in some Muslim societies, the wives or other female sexual partners of a man, or the part of a house in which they live
due (OWED) Show phonetics
owed as a debt or as a right:
The rent is due (= should be paid) at the end of the month.
Fifty pounds is MAINLY UK due to me/MAINLY US due me by the people I worked for last month.
Our thanks are due to everyone.
UK LEGAL He was found to have been driving without due (= the necessary) care and attention.
due Show phonetics
give sb their due said when you are praising someone for something good they have done, although you dislike other things about them:
He failed again, but to give him his due, he did try hard.
I don't like the man but - give the devil his due - he works incredibly hard.
dues Show phonetics
plural noun
the official payments that you make to an organization you belong to:
Members of the society pay $1000 in annual dues.