fait....; the king frequently in love, no taskmaster like his patron
across the Channel. (pp.355-56)]
...and if really au fait, they tacked on to the equipage a young boy, sometimes Black, called for obscure reasons a "tiger."
台灣版 更講究的 還會配上一名僮僕...
大陸版 如果要嚴格符合社交禮儀 ....坐在馬車背後 rl:大陸譯本大概把Black誤看成了back,才會坐在馬車背後去了:-根據 tiger 的用意,加上我個人的理解,那「小子」好像不是「小跟班」而已,他是『穿著制服的馬夫』。......「回敬」Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary 對於 tiger 的解釋,請看第三義就好,免得花大家太多時間。
FYI: 1817 OED: tiger - A smart-liveried boy-groom
pr: equipage其實一詞多指, 並不只拘泥於物理性的"車子"本身. 從上下文自然已知是指與"跟車"有關, 但同時也指我們當前流行的"隨扈/隨員", . 也許更完整的譯法可以是"隨車還配上/外加一名僮僕/小跟班".
不, 這小子的確是"排場"用, 也的確是在車後, 不過是用站的, 大陸版算是對了一半.
Of carriages much in fashion and characteristic of this period may be mentioned the " curricle," a cabriolet (see below) on two wheels, driven with a pair of horses, the balance being secured by an ornamental bar across the horses' backs, connected by a leather brace to a spring under the pole. For lack of perfect safety this was gradually superseded by the " gentleman's cabriolet," for one horse, on C springs, fitted with folding leather hood and platform behind, on which stood a youthful trim servant in top-boots, popularly termed a " tiger."
In Once a Scoundrel, Tony's tiger frequently takes the reins to exercise the horses while Tony visits Edwina.
hanger-on Show phoneticsnoun [C] plural hangers-on DISAPPROVING
a person who tries to be friendly and spend time with rich and important people, especially to get an advantage:
Wherever there is royalty, there are always hangers-on.
Au fait (in the fact, to the point) thoroughly conversant, well
instructed, expert or skillful.(at)
task•mas•ter n.
1. One who imposes tasks, especially burdensome or laborious ones.
2. A source of burden or responsibility: The profession of medicine is
a stern taskmaster.
task・master, task・mistress
(厳しい)親方[女親方], 鬼監督[女監督], 厳しい仕事を課する人.
翻譯討論:…..學習法文以便應付得體…..( 或許該譯嫻熟時事, 或精通最新世事/世情)?
"不像英吉利海暇那一邊他的保護人那樣認真治國….."【此翻譯錯誤 與"治國"沒關係 談情說愛 啦】"認真治國似乎太"正面"也太"本身", 不能表達那種"驅策""他人"的"slavedriving"
━━ n. 馬車・御者などのひとそろい, 馬車仕立て; 用具一式; 装備.
tack sth on phrasal verb [M] INFORMALto add something that you had not planned to add, often without much preparation or thought:
At the last minute, they tacked on a couple of extra visits to my schedule.
tack ━━ n.,v. (平)びょう[留めくぎ](で留める); 【裁縫】仮縫い(する), しつけ(る); 馬具(一式)(をつける); 【海事】縦帆の前下隅(の綱索); 【海事】間切り[る], 上手(うわて)回し(する), 開き; 方針[政策](を変える); つける, 付加する ((on)).