2008年7月10日 星期四

slough sth off, footwork, take a shine to sb, resort to sth


"Inventory is a funny thing. Too little, and you can’t build goods to meet demand, and have to deal with lead times and pricing that’s out of control. Too much, and you end up drowning in costs to maintain it.

You then have to resort to fast footwork to slough off inventory – fire sales for excess goods, moving inventory farther back into the supply chain with just-in-time practices and vendor-managed inventory strategies. These steps can make your balance sheet look better – for a while. But if your underlying process keeps building inventory, you’ve got a problem that just keeps putting the weight back on."


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resort to sth phrasal verb
to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something:
I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.
[+ ing form of verb] When she didn't answer the telephone, I resorted to standing outside her window and calling up to her.

noun [U]
the way in which the feet are used in sports or dancing, especially when it is skilful:
And that's a marvellous bit of footwork there from Ponti as he takes the ball from Garcia.

idioms: slough off 拋棄, 丟棄

slough sth off phrasal verb [M]
1 LITERARY to get rid of something or someone unwanted:
He seemed to want to slough off all his old acquaintances.

2 SPECIALIZED When snakes and other reptiles slough off their skin, they get rid of an old, dead layer of skin.

The verb slough has one meaning:
Meaning #1: cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers; of animals
Synonyms: shed, molt, exuviate, moult

The noun slough has 4 meanings:
Meaning #1: necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
Synonyms: gangrene, sphacelus
Meaning #2: a hollow filled with mud
Meaning #3: a stagnant swamp (especially as part of a bayou)
Meaning #4: any outer covering that can be shed or cast off (such as the cast-off skin of a snake)
n. - 泥坑, 泥潭, 道德上的墮落 , 絕境, 沼澤
n. - 蛇蛻下的皮, 壞死組織, 腐肉 , 丟棄的事物, 腐痂
v. intr. - 脫落, 結痂脫落, 蛻皮
v. tr. - 蛻 , 丟棄, 使脫落, 墊

slough2 ━━ n., v. (ヘビの)ぬけがら, 脱皮する ; かさぶた(がはがれる); 古い偏見や習慣(を捨てる).

September 28, 2006

WSJ 的這則消息起碼可以學常用英文:


H-P Stock Sloughs Off Scandal

Wall Street is taking a shine to H-P's stock, despite an embarrassing spying scandal. Here's why: Most of H-P's core businesses have become increasingly profitable and grabbed market share since Hurd joined the company.


take a shine to sb INFORMAL
to like someone immediately:
I think he's taken a bit of a shine to you.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
take the shine off [out of]  … の光を奪う; … を見劣りさせる .
