2008年7月3日 星期四

officer. CBE, café, caff

He worked for many causes and cultural institutions, including the New York Philharmonic, the World Wildlife Fund, an antilittering campaign in New York City and the United Negro College Fund. In 1967, Mr. Ogilvy was made a Commander of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth, and in 1990 the French Government named him an officer in its Order of Arts and Letters.

An officer in some knightly or fraternal orders. Commander of the British Empire HONOR. Full title, Commander of Order of the British Empire, abbreviated CBE.

Order of Arts and Letters” from the Minister of Culture in France (法國文化部騎士勳章, 1985), ...

一本蒐集報導倫敦舊式「茶餐廳」的《London Caffs》

Caff 是英國日常說法

for café

a restaurant where only small meals and drinks that usually do not contain alcohol are served
There's a little café on the corner that serves very good coffee.

officer 意義和稱呼極廣
━━ n., vt. 将校, 士官; 警官; ((呼びかけ)) お巡りさん; (団体・組織の)幹事, 役員; 役人, 公務員; 執行吏; (商船の)船長, 高級船員; ((普通受身で)) 将校を配置する; 指揮する.
officer of the day 当直将校.
offices quarters 兵舎.
