2008年7月27日 星期日

subtext, stall (DELAY), fend sb off

The latest round of the battle started with Microsoft’s boss, Steve Ballmer, sending a stern warning to Yahoo!’s board to begin discussing a deal or face a hostile takeover. Yahoo! responded with a letter whose subtext was, “keep it friendly, please, we’re only holding out for more money”. At the same time, Mr Yang was planning another tactic: to stall, by making everything really, really complicated.

RIM and Telus's unsuccessful effort to win approval for BlackBerry devices on Korean wireless networks could stall Canada's talks on a free-trade pact.


Baidu fends off Google in China
VNUNet.com - UK
Baidu holds a share of the China search market estimated at about 60 per cent, while Google's Chinese and international websites receive about 25 per cent.

fend sb off phrasal verb [M]
to push or send away an attacker or other unwanted person:
He managed to fend off his attackers with a stick.
She spent the entire evening fending off unwanted admirers.
fend sth off phrasal verb [M]
to avoid dealing with something that is unpleasant or difficult to deal with:
Somehow she managed to fend off the awkward questions.

subtext 1950
noun [C]
a hidden or less obvious meaning:
The political subtext of her novel is a criticism of government interference in individual lives.

stall (DELAY)
1 [I] to delay taking action or avoid giving an answer in order to have more time to make a decision or obtain an advantage:
She says she'll give me the money next week but I think she's just stalling (for time).

2 [T] If you stall a person, you delay them or prevent them from doing something for a period of time:
I managed to stall him for a few days until I'd got enough money to pay back the loan.
MAINLY US The thief broke into the office while his accomplice stalled off the security guard.

3 [T] If you stall an event, you delay it or prevent it from happening for a period of time:
Commandoes stalled the enemy attack by destroying three bridges.
Fears are growing that a tax increase may stall economic recovery.
