2024年4月5日 星期五

largely, consolidate, co-branded, incorporate. performative.Janna Volz’s father was largely absent from her life as he fought addiction.

Scott establishes Napoleon’s early rise to power with bold imagery and brusque narrative economy, vividly setting the historical moment with scenes from both inside the corridors of revolutionary power — enter Robespierre — and the surging anarchy out in the streets. Napoleon’s rise at this point is largely facilitated by the politician Paul Barras (Tahar Rahim), a silky operator with the pacific mien of a patiently lurking predator and an inescapable aristocratic hauteur. Everyone addresses one another as Citizen, which, in Barras’s case comes across as the 18th-century version of performative political correctness. Together, Barras and Napoleon consolidate their positions. Exit Robespierre.

Psychedelic trance, French champagne and Gucci handbags: nearly two years into the war in Ukraine, Muscovites seem to be recovering their capacity for hedonism. But is it all a touch performative?

  1. to a great extent; on the whole; mostly.
    "he was soon arrested, largely through the efforts of Tom Poole"

  1. relating to or of the nature of dramatic or artistic performance.
    "films which push past the limits of current performative trends"
  1. a performative utterance.
    "here statements are not descriptive utterances but performatives"

Taiwan to Consolidate Chip Makers in New Company
The Taiwan government will set up a new company that may incorporate all of the island's memory-chip makers.

Asustek, Garmin to Partner on Phones
Asustek and Garmin will join together to sell co-branded smartphones, an alliance that combines a maker of low-cost PCs and a maker of GPS devices.

Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
1 to become, or cause something to become, stronger and more certain:
The success of their major product consolidated the firm's position in the market.
She hoped that marriage would consolidate their relationship.
The party consolidated its hold on power during its term of office.
The company has been expanding rapidly and I feel it's now time to consolidate (= stop growing and make our present position stronger).

2 to combine several things, especially businesses, so that they become more effective, or to be combined in this way:
The two firms consolidated to form a single company.

consolidated trading/accounts

consolidation Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
The company is entering a period of consolidation (= becoming better and stronger at what it does 這解釋過於樂觀).
We have seen a similar consolidation (= joining together) of booksellers and distributors.

━━ v. 固める[まる], 堅実にする[なる]; 結合[合併]する; 合併整理する ((into)).
con・sol・i・dat・ed ━━ a. 強化した; 合併した.
consolidated annuities =consols.
consolidated balance sheet 連結貸借対照表.
Consolidated dison コンソリデーテッド・エジソン ((ニューヨーク市域の電力・ガス供給会社の持株会社;略Con Ed)).
consolidated fund 〔英〕 (the ~) 整理公債基金.
Consolidated Natural Gas コンソリデーテッド・ナチュラル・ガス ((米国のガス会社)).
consolidated school (数地区の)統合学校.
Consolidated Stores コンソリデーテッド・ストアーズ ((米国の見切り処分品の格安販売会社)).
con・sol・i・da・tion ━━ n. 【コンピュータ】(表計算の)串刺し計算.

Dell has picked WPP to handle all its advertising and marketing world-wide, consolidating $1.5 billion in business.
LG Consolidates Creative Work
LG Electronics is hiring a single ad agency, Bartle Bogle Hegarty, for its $350 million account in a bid to build its brand.

  1. relating to or of the nature of dramatic or artistic performance.
    "films which push past the limits of current performative trends"
  1. a performative utterance.
    "here statements are not descriptive utterances but performatives"
