2024年1月15日 星期一

slob, mayhem, hema bump, dapper, red diaper baby

When your home city brims with unremarkable slobs, it can seem odd when other nationalities think of it as the capital of style.

Long live the slob

Mayhem as Two Egypts Fight for Future
Japanese magazine SPA described the trend in an article titled "The Ultimate Form of Slob." In the article they talk about the masculinization of women who don’t clean their rooms as often as they used to, don’t shave and wear diapers.

Dressed for a Meeting, Ready for Mayhem
In suits built to maneuver in a struggle and to conceal gun and gear, police detectives manage to maintain a dapper tradition.

(GOOG Quote - Cramer on GOOG - Stock Picks) got a bump on Thursday after comScore showed the Internet giant increasing its market share in search ...

The ghoulies were little creatures that weren't scary at all and appeared to have
hair gel in their teeth to look like slobber.

Red diaper baby describes a child of parents who were members of the United States Communist Party (CPUSA) or were close to the party or sympathetic to its aims.

蘇絲.羅托洛(Suze Rotolo)在20008年出版的回憶錄《隨心所欲的時代:六○年代格林威治村回想集》中,自承是個典型麥卡錫時代的「紅色尿布嬰兒」(red diaper baby),意指在共產黨家庭長大的小孩。七○年代初挖掘水門案與尼克森關係而享大名的〈華盛頓郵報〉記者卡爾.伯恩斯坦(Carl Bernstein)也是一個「紅色尿布嬰兒」。


In their book Red Diapers: Growing Up in the Communist Left, Judy Kaplan and Linn Shapiro define red diaper babies as "children of CPUSA members, children of former CPUSA members, and children whose parents never became members of the CPUSA but were involved in political, cultural, or educational activities led or supported by the Party".[1]
More generally, the phrase is sometimes used to refer to a child of any radical parent, regardless of that parent's past partisan affiliation (or the affiliation of the child). Red Diaper Baby is also the title of an autobiographical one man show and book by monologist Josh Kornbluth,[2] and a 2004 documentary film by Doug Pray.

  1. Law. The offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person.
  2. Infliction of violent injury on a person or thing; wanton destruction: children committing mayhem in the flower beds.
  3. A state of violent disorder or riotous confusion; havoc.
[Middle English maim, mayhem, from Anglo-Norman maihem, from Old French mahaigne, injury, from mahaignier, to maim, from Vulgar Latin *mahanāre, probably of Germanic origin.]

My ,my ,my what a dapper looking man !

dapper dresser

dap·per (dăp'ər) pronunciation
    1. Neatly dressed; trim.
    2. Very stylish in dress.
  1. Lively and alert.
[Middle English daper, elegant, probably from Middle Dutch dapper, quick, strong.]
dapperly dap'per·ly adv.
dapperness dap'per·ness n.

  1. neat and trim in dress and appearance (typically used of a man).
    "he looked very dapper in a dark silk suit"

Daily Highlights Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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Happy Halloween!
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 Halloween — or All Saints' Day Eve — is not just for trick or treaters. The holiday's origins lie in pagan practices, most notably the Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the beginning of the Celtic new year. According to legend, this was the time when the spirits of those who had died during the previous year came to visit, searching for a living body they could possess. To frighten these spirits away, the living dressed up in costume and roamed the neighborhood, creating noise and mayhem.

(slŏb) pronunciation

  1. 1.
    a person who is lazy and has low standards of cleanliness.
    "he's a slob and expects others to clean up after him"

n. Informal
A person regarded as slovenly, crude, or obnoxious.

[Irish Gaelic slab, mud, from Old Irish, probably of Scandinavian origin, akin to Swedish dialectal slabb, mud.]
slobbish slob'bish or slob'by adj.
