Someone has to pick up the tab.

Opinion | Who's On the Hook If Vaccines Go Wrong?
Given the breakneck pace of production, there are very few answers about what manufacturers and governments are ultimately responsible for.
The costs of the three initiatives have ballooned by £1.35bn, and badly written contracts have left Britain's government on the hook
Costs have ballooned as decrepit facilities remain in use

Botched nuclear projects put the future of Britain’s defences at risk
Costs have ballooned as decrepit facilities remain in use
The Treasury Department on Wednesday appointed a well-known Washington lawyer, Kenneth R. Feinberg, to oversee the compensation of employees at those companies, which have received billions of dollars in federal assistance to survive the economic crisis.
But for most companies -- both those receiving taxpayer support and those that are not -- the proposal is the result of a compromise that largely lets them off the hook, The New York Times writes.
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Garrison’s phones have been ringing off the hook since the house was put on the market on Friday.
ring off the hook:片語,指電話響個不停。hook,名詞,電話的聽筒架。
on the hook 〔魚などが〕針に引っかかって 困難な立場に置かれて、厄介なことに巻き込まれて
When a fish bites, it swallows the food on the hook at the end of a fishing line:
Definition of on the hook for
US, informal
: owing money for (something) : responsible for (something)He's still on the hook for the cost of the repairs.
The fish aren't biting today.
off the hook
Also, get or let off the hook. Released (or be released) from blame or annoying obligation, as in He was out of town during the robbery so he was off the book, or I don't know how the muggers got off the hook, or Once they found the real culprit, they let Mary off the hook. This idiom alludes to the fish that manages to free itself from the angler's hook and get away. [Mid-1800s]
Pronunciation: /ˈhʊkə/
North American informal- [名]
- 1 (hookで)引っ掛ける人[もの].
- 2 ((略式))ぺてん師.
- 3 ((略式))売春婦.
- 4 ((米・カナダ俗))多量の酒の一飲み.
- 5 ((俗))隠された問題[欠陥];わな.
- 6 《ラグビー》フッカー:スクラムに入れられたボールを後方へける選手.
- 7 ((俗))(劇・小説・ショーなどの)あっと言わせる出だし.