2024年1月23日 星期二

fault, shockwave, ideological fault line, “the antics of crooks and fools”, fault tolerance. From 'hyperglobalization' to 'thin globalism'

The CDU—Germany's original people's party—now risks splintering across its many fault lines


From 'hyperglobalization' to 'thin globalism'

How geopolitics, pandemics, and economic tensions are transforming global trade.

"Every man has his fault, and honesty is his."
--Lucullus from "Timon of Athens" (Act III, scene i)

The World’s New Ideological Fault Line Runs Through France A2

The French election, which may see two parties that have never held power in a May runoff, is the starkest and most consequential contest yet in the world’s ideological divide between nationalism and globalism, Greg Ip writes.

ABC News
Author of the bill to raise the legal smoking age in California says "it's going to send a shockwave across the country."

Capitalism’s Fault Lines
Richard A. Posner argues that “the antics of crooks and fools” are not to blame for the financial crisis, but rather flaws in the system itself.

In July, a reactor at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in northern Niigata prefecture suffered radioactive leaks and other malfunctions during a magnitude-6.8 quake that killed 11 people and injured more than 1,000. The plant is undergoing repairs and a series of tests.
Preliminary studies of the surrounding area have shown that a fault line may extend near the plant. The government has since said it planned to overhaul earthquake safety standards at plants across the nation.

fault tolerance (losing just one transistor can wreck a microprocessor, but brains lose neurons all the time)

fault line
(′fölt′līn) (geology) Intersection of the fault surface with the surface of the earth or any other horizontal surface of reference. Also known as fault trace.
  • 《地質》断層線{だんそうせん}
  • fault line scarp
  • fault-line scarp 《地学》断層線崖{だんそうせん がい}
  • fault line valley
  • fault-line valley 断層線谷{だんそう せん たに}
  • right on the fault line
  • 《be 〜》断層線{だんそうせん}についての判断{はんだん}が正しい

  • 他動
  • 1. 〜を曲げる
  • 2. 〈米俗〉〜を盗む、だます
  • 1. 曲がったもの、曲がった部分{ぶぶん}、ねじれ、屈曲部{くっきょく ぶ}、湾曲部{わんきょく ぶ}
  • 2. 〈話〉心が曲がった人、不正直{ふしょうじき}な人、いかさま師、ペテン師、悪党{あくとう}、詐欺師{さぎし}、泥棒{どろぼう}
    ・I'm not a crook. 僕はペテン師じゃない。◆Watergate 事件のときに Richard Nixon が使って有名になった文句
    ・Only a crook could do something like that.
    ・Your boyfriend's a dirty rotten crook.
    ・Crooks use scanners to steal your cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] number.
  • 3. 〔曲がった部分{ぶぶん}のある〕司教{しきょう}のつえ、羊飼いのつえ
  • 1. 〈豪俗〉病気{びょうき}の、体の具合{ぐあい}が悪い、気分{きぶん}が悪い[良くない]◆【同】ill ; sick
  • 2. 〈豪俗〉正常{せいじょう}ではない、不正{ふせい}
  • 3. 〈豪俗〉機嫌{きげん}の悪い、むかついて、腹を立てて
  • 4. 〈豪俗〉正常{せいじょう}に機能{きのう}しない、故障{こしょう}した、欠陥{けっかん}のある、役立たず{やくたたず}
