2024年1月30日 星期二

de-, deposit, depositor, tumble, tumbler, take 5th, depose, deposition, chaebol, fumble, A Lead Scare Strikes Stanley Tumblers,

Mr. Marx — who staged one of his depositions in a Manhattan hotel suite wearing a shirt patterned with the titles of Marx Brothers films and bearing the slogan “Money talks” — never got the injunction or the $15 million in damages that he had demanded.

Lawyers for the ex-staffer who set up Hillary Clinton's home email server say he will refuse to testify at an upcoming deposition.

The last of South Korea’s chaebol founders grew his chewing-gum company into a Japanese-Korean leisure empire with an estimated $85bn in annual revenues

The British Club in Katha, where male characters of George Orwell's "Burmese Days" lounged and drank tumblers of whiskey and gin. It now houses offices of a cooperative association.

Stocks plunged, driving the Dow Jones Industrial Average down more than 500 points, as investors worried about the global economy and Europe's debt crisis.
Rivalry between Samsung and LG in the 3D-television market turns a bit nasty(2)

The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides, "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor ...

Fifth Amendment | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal ...

The Deposition of Christ, oil on canvas by Caravaggio, 1602 – 04; … (credit: SCALA/Art Resource, New York)

Attention is now turning to the diplomatic ramifications of the militants' potential Pakistani connection: as the New York Times summarizes, intelligence from U.S., British, and Indian sources points towards a Kashmir-based group that at one point received training from the Pakistani government.

The judge limited Ballmer’s deposition to three hours in duration and said it must be conducted within 30 days of her ruling at a place of his convenience.
“We believe Mr. Ballmer is a key witness in this case and is, among other things, privy to conversations and decisions that we are entitled to know about,” Mark Wilner, an attorney for the consumers, told Microsoft’s lawyers in a Sept. 26 letter seeking to set a deposition date, that is now part of the court’s file.
On Oct. 3, the company asked Pechman for an order blocking the examination.
Sworn Testimony
“We believe we have the right to take his deposition,” the plaintiffs’ lead lawyer, Jeffrey Thomas of Seattle’s Gordon Tilden Thomas & Cordell, said today in a phone interview. “We’ll find out the rest when we get to ask him our questions under oath.”

(fŭm'bəl) pronunciation

v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
  1. To touch or handle nervously or idly: fumble with a necktie.
  2. To grope awkwardly to find or to accomplish something: fumble for a key.
  3. To proceed awkwardly and uncertainly; blunder: fumble through a speech.
    1. Football. To drop a ball that is in play.
    2. Baseball. To mishandle a ground ball.
  1. To touch or handle clumsily or idly: "fumbled the receiver into its cradle" (Howard Kaplan).
  2. To make a mess of; bungle. See synonyms at botch.
  3. To feel or make (one's way) awkwardly.
    1. Football. To drop (a ball) while in play.
    2. Baseball. To mishandle (a ground ball).
  1. The act or an instance of fumbling.
  2. Sports. A ball that has been fumbled.
[Middle English fomelen, to grope.]
fumbler fum'bler n.


('bəl) pronunciation
n., pl., chaebol.
A conglomerate of businesses, usually owned by a single family, especially in Korea.

[Korean chaebŏl : chae, wealth (from Middle Chinese tshaj) + bŏl, powerful family (from Middle Chinese buat).]

2010 年07月08日 14:56 PM

The records keep tumbling for Samsung Electronics. If earnings are in line with Wednesday’s estimates, the April-June period will be its second best-ever quarter in a row. This year Samsung Electronics deposed Hewlett-Packard as the world’s largest technology company by sales. In terms of net profit, it is on course to make more this fiscal year than the top 19 Japanese technology and consumer electronics firms put together. 三星电子(Samsung Electronics)还在不断刷新着纪录。如果该公司二季度业绩与周三的预估一致,那么这个季度将继上季度之后,再次成为该公司历史上表现最好的季 度。今年,三星电子已经取代惠普(HP),成为全球销量第一的技术公司。本财年三星的净利润有望超过日本最大19家技术及消费电子产品公司净利润的总和。
All this obscures the fact that the flagship company of South Korea’s largest chaebol is increasingly a tale of two units: one very good (semiconductors), the other fair to middling (panels, phones and digital media). The first is a largely commoditised market in which Intel, Samsung and TSMC are emerging as industry titans, selling vast numbers of components to plug into other people’s gadgets. 所有这些骄人成绩,掩盖了这样一个事实:这家韩国最大财团的旗舰企业,越来越像是一部 “双城记”:一部分业务表现上佳(半导体),其它业务则表现平平(面板、手机及数字媒体)。前者是一个已基本商品化的市场,其中英特尔(Intel)、三 星和台积电(TSMC)正日渐成为行业巨头,出售大量的零部件,用在其它企业生产的小型电子设备上。
The semiconductor division should account for just over half of operating profits this year, from less than a quarter of sales. But the other unit is showing signs of suffering from years of prioritising speed over innovation; reacting, rather than acting. This is more than mere cyclicality. Five years ago, for every dollar it spent on selling and marketing, Samsung spent 58 cents on research and development. Last year that ratio fell to 1:0.48. At brand-fixated Apple, relative R&D spending rose by 2 cents during the same period, to 24. 半导体业务应将贡献今年营运利润的一半出头,而销售额却不到四分之一。但其它业务却渐 渐显示出增长乏力的迹象,这要归咎于公司多年来对速度的重视甚于创新,一向被动地做出反应,而非主动出击。这不是简单的周期性变化。5年前,三星销售及市 场营销开支与研发开支的比例为1比0.58。去年,这一比例降至1比0.48。在注重品牌的苹果(Apple),相关研发支出同期增长了2个百分点,至1 比0.24。
Perhaps as a consequence, Samsung is failing to set consumers’ pulses racing. Lacklustre sales of TVs and appliances meant that digital media probably posted falling operating margins in the second quarter. The handset division, too, has been officially “rebuilding”, a euphemism for struggling. Samsung’s new tablet computer, the Galaxy Tab, bears an uncanny resemblance to the iPad; the one difference of note is a 7in screen, to Apple’s 10in. Those me-too qualities are reflected in one metric that really matters: Apple’s $226bn market capitalisation is almost 2.5 times Samsung’s.

tum·ble (tŭm'bəl) pronunciation
v., -bled, -bling, -bles. v.intr.
  1. To perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, rolls, or twists.
    1. To fall or roll end over end: The kittens tumbled over each other.
    2. To spill or roll out in confusion or disorder: Students tumbled out of the bus.
    3. To pitch headlong; fall: tumbled on the ice.
    4. To proceed haphazardly.
    1. To topple, as from power or a high position; fall.
    2. To collapse: The wall tumbled down.
    3. To drop: Prices tumbled.
  2. To come upon accidentally; happen on: We tumbled on a fine restaurant.
  3. Slang. To come to a sudden understanding; catch on: tumbled to the reality that he had been cheated.
  1. To cause to fall; bring down: A scandal tumbled the government.
  2. To put, spill, or toss haphazardly: tumbled the extra parts into a box.
  3. To toss or whirl in a drum, tumbler, or tumbling box.
  1. An act of tumbling; a fall.
  2. Confusion; disorder.
[Middle English tumblen, frequentative of tumben, to dance about, from Old English tumbian.]


IN BRIEF: Do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully. Also: To suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat.

 And the muttering grew to a grumbling; And the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling; And out of the houses the rats came tumbling. — Robert Browning (1812-1889)


See definitions in:
  1. 1.
    a sum of money paid into a bank or building society account.
    "cash funds which are an alternative to bank or building society deposits"
  2. 2.
    a sum payable as a first instalment on the purchase of something or as a pledge for a contract, the balance being payable later.
    "we've saved enough for a deposit on a house"

de·pose (dĭ-pōz') pronunciationv., -posed, -pos·ing, -pos·es. v.tr.
    1. To remove from office or power.
    2. To dethrone.
  1. Law. To take a deposition from: Investigators will depose the witness behind closed doors.
  2. To put or lay down; deposit.
v.intr. Law
To give testimony by affidavit or deposition.

[Middle English deposen, from Old French deposer, alteration (influenced by poser, to put) of Latin dēpōnere, to put down; see depone.]
deposable de·pos'a·ble adj.


Pronunciation: /ˌdɛpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ 
 /diːpəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ NOUN[MASS NOUN]
1The action of deposing someone, especially a monarch:Edward V’s deposition
2Law The giving of sworn evidence:the deposition of four expert witnesses
2.1[COUNT NOUN] A formal, usually written, statement to be used as evidence:a commissioner to take depositions from witnesses
3The action of depositing something:pebbles formed by the deposition of calcium in solution
4(the Deposition) The removal of the body of Christ from the Cross.


Late Middle English: from Latin depositio(n-), from the verb deponere (see deposit).


di-, də-, dìː-
「分離」「否定」「降下」「逆転」「悪意」「完全」‖dethrone, debase, descend.

Definition of tumbler


  • 1a drinking glass with straight sides and no handle or stem.
    [formerly having a rounded bottom so as not to stand upright]
  • 2an acrobat, especially one who performs somersaults.
  • a pigeon of a breed that repeatedly turns over backwards in flight.
  • 3 (also tumbler dryer) a tumble dryer.
  • 4a pivoted piece in a lock that holds the bolt until lifted by a key.
  • a notched pivoted plate in a gunlock.
  • 5an electrical switch worked by pushing a small sprung lever.


noun (plural tumblerfuls)
[名]1 タンブラー, (平底の)大コップ(▼脚のついたものはgoblet);タンブラー1杯の量.2 ((古風))軽わざ師, 曲芸師;体操選手.3 (錠の)槓杵(こうかん), てこ.4 (銃器の...
