2024年1月11日 星期四

staying power, hell, miser, misery, skinflint, populace, forcible,

Taiwan Party, Reviled by China, Battles to Prove Its Staying Power

The Democratic Progressive Party has transformed Taiwan into a bastion against Chinese power. Now it is promising a mix of change and continuity.

Uniqlo operator Fast Retailing's Q1 profit soars on strong overseas sales

Profit was ¥146.7 billion ($1.01 billion) in the three months through November compared with ¥117.1 billion a year earlier.

How a Novel About Video Games Became a Surprise Best Seller

Gabrielle Zevin didn’t expect a wide audience for “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow.” It became a blockbuster with staying power.

Banking Crisis Hangs Over Economy, Rekindling Recession Fear

First Republic and other banks are in talks to raise money by privately selling shares.

S&P 500 Index

March 16

March 17






Source: FactSet

N.C.A.A. Tournament

HPV Vaccine Remark Has Staying Power

When alarms about vaccines are raised, even spurious alarms like the one about HPV by Representative Michele Bachmann last week, vaccination rates tend to drop.

"What? You don't know skinflint Plushkin who feeds his people so badly?"

"Of course I do!" exclaimed the fellow, and added thereto an uncomplimentary expression of a species not ordinarily employed in polite society. We may guess that it was a pretty apt expression, since long after the man had become lost to view Chichikov was still laughing in his britchka. And, indeed, the language of the Russian populace is always forcible in its phraseology.

"None of it for me," repeated Sobakevitch as he wiped his hands on his napkin. "I don't intend to be like a fellow named Plushkin, who owns eight hundred souls, yet dines worse than does my shepherd."

"Who is Plushkin?" asked Chichikov.

"A miser," replied Sobakevitch. "Such a miser as never you could imagine. Even convicts in prison live better than he does. And he starves his servants as well."

staying power
/ˈsteɪɪŋ ˌpaʊə/
  1. the ability to maintain an activity or commitment despite fatigue or difficulty; stamina.
    "do you have the staying power to study alone at home?"


  • 発音記号[pɑ'pjuləs | pɔ'p-]

an class="prog_meaning">[名]((通例the 〜))((集合的))((形式))
1 大衆, 民衆, 庶民.
2 (ある地域の)全住民.


  • 発音記号[máizər]

[名]守銭奴;けちん坊, 欲張り.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[mízəri]

[名](複 -ies)[C][U]
(1) 悲惨, みじめさ, 不幸;窮乏;精神的苦痛
live in misery
look the picture of misery
to complete the misery
(2) [C]((通例-iesで単数扱い))みじめ[不幸]なこと
the miseries of mankind
2 ((方言))(病気による)苦痛;(患部の)痛み.
3 [C]((英話))みじめでぐちの多い人, 不平家.
put a person out of his misery
(1) ((略式))〈人に〉知りたがっていることを知らせる, 〈人を〉安心させる.
(2) 〈動物を〉(治る見込みがないので)安楽死させる, 楽にさせてやる.


(hĕl) pronunciation
    1. often Hell The abode of condemned souls and devils in some religions; the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, presided over by Satan.
    2. A state of separation from God; exclusion from God's presence.
  1. The abode of the dead, identified with the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hades; the underworld.
    1. A situation or place of evil, misery, discord, or destruction: "War is hell" (William Tecumseh Sherman).
    2. Torment; anguish: went through hell on the job.
    1. The powers of darkness and evil.
    2. Informal. One that causes trouble, agony, or annoyance: The boss is hell when a job is poorly done.
  2. A sharp scolding: gave the student hell for cheating.
  3. Informal. Excitement, mischievousness, or high spirits: We did it for the sheer hell of it.
    1. A tailor's receptacle for discarded material.
    2. Printing. A hellbox.
  4. Informal. Used as an intensive: How the hell can I go? You did one hell of a job.
  5. Archaic. A gambling house.
intr.v. Informal, helled, hell·ing, hells.
To behave riotously; carouse: out all night helling around.

Used to express anger, disgust, or impatience.


for the hell of it

  1. For no particular reason; on a whim: walked home by the old school for the hell of it.
hell on Informal.
  1. Damaging or destructive to: Driving in a hilly town is hell on the brakes.
  2. Unpleasant to or painful for.
hell or (or and) high water
  1. Troubles or difficulties of whatever magnitude: We're staying, come hell or high water.
hell to pay
  1. Great trouble: If we're wrong, there'll be hell to pay.
like hell Informal.
  1. Used as an intensive: He ran like hell to catch the bus.
  2. Used to express strong contradiction or refusal: He says he's going along with us-Like hell he is!

[Middle English helle, from Old English.]

WORD HISTORY Hell comes to us directly from Old English hel. Because the Roman Church prevailed in England from an early date, the Roman-that is, Mediterranean-belief that hell was hot prevailed there too; in Old English hel is a black and fiery place of eternal torment for the damned. But because the Vikings were converted to Christianity centuries after the Anglo-Saxons, the Old Norse hel, from the same source as Old English hel, retained its earlier pagan senses as both a place and a person. As a place, hel is the abode of oathbreakers, other evil persons, and those unlucky enough not to have died in battle. It contrasts sharply with Valhalla, the hall of slain heroes. Unlike the Mediterranean hell, the Old Norse hel is very cold. Hel is also the name of the goddess or giantess who presides in hel, the half blue-black, half white daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrbotha. The Indo-European root behind these Germanic words is *kel-, "to cover, conceal" (so hell is the "concealed place"); it also gives us hall, hole, hollow, and helmet.

1 [U][C]((時にa 〜))((略式))ひどい体験[待遇], 生き地獄;修羅場;(子供などの)大騒ぎ;[U]((俗))きびしい叱責(しっせき)[非難]
a hell on earth
a living hell
catch [get] hell
2 [U]((単数形))((しばしばH-))
(1) 地獄(⇔heaven).
(2) 冥土(めいど);地獄の住人.
3 悪の神々, 悪魔, 悪鬼.
4 賭博(とばく)場(gambling hell);魔窟(まくつ).
5 ((略式))((ののしり・悪口・後悔などを表す強意語))(▼下品で乱暴な表現)
the hell
Go to hell!
What [How, When, Where, Who, Why] the [in] hell ...?
いったい何が[どうして, いつ, どこで, だれが, なぜ]…か.
a [the, one] hell of a ...
((話))非常に悪い…;どえらい…;非常に…, ものすごく…(▼よい意味にも用いる)
a hell of a noise
a hell of a lot of money
a hell of an attractive woman
all hell breaks loose
... as hell
((主に米話))猛烈に…, すごく…
mad as hell
be hell for ...
〈時間などに〉厳格である, やかましい.
be hell on ...
come hell or high water
((略式))何事があろうとも, どんな困難にも負けずに.
from hell
((略式))((名詞のあとに用いて))ひどく不快な, いやみな.
full of hell
((略式))すごく陽気な, すごく力のこもった.
get the hell out (of ...)
give a person hell/make a person's life hell
go to hell in a handbasket
((米俗))落ちぶれる, みるみるだめになる.
hell and high water
hell on wheels
((米略式))強引な人, やり手.
hell's bells [((英))teeth]
((話))ちくしょう, いまいましい.
hell to pay
((話))大変なめんどう, 一大事
There'll be hell to pay.
(just) for the hell of it
knock [beat] the hell out of a person
like (the) hell
(1) ((語句のあとに置いて))((略式))死にもの狂いで;ひどく, 非常に
work like hell
hurt like hell
(2) ((語句・文の前に置いて))((話・皮肉))絶対…(で)ない.
merry hell
大変な面倒, ひどい苦痛.
play hell doing
play hell with .../((英))play merry hell with ...
((略式))〈物・事に〉損害を与える, …をめちゃくちゃにする;((略式))…をひどくしかる.
raise hell
大騒ぎする, 騒ぎを引き起こす.
scare the hell out of a person
shoot to hell
(the) hell out of a person
〈人を〉徹底的に[ひどく]…する(▼annoy, beat, irritateなどのあとに用いる).
to hell
▼hope, wishのあとに用いる.
to hell and back [gone]
((俗))(行けないような)遠い所へ, どこまでも;永遠に.
to hell with ...
when [till, until] hell freezes (over)
Oh, hell!
Hell, no.
[古英語hell. 原義は「おおい隠されている所」. △CELL

Bettmann / CORBIS

The Inferno
In the 14th century, Florentine Dante Alighieri brought together biblical, mythological, historical, and contemporary figures in his Inferno, the cultural influence of which can hardly be overstated. The Inferno, the first part of his epic poem, La Divina Commedia, has Virgil (who described the underworld in the Aeneid) guiding Dante through nine circles of a Christian Hell. As he spirals down, he sees all sorts of those who have sinned — adulterers, murderers, t

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2065275,00.html#ixzz1Je3J6KLh

(skĭn'flĭnt') pronunciation
One who is very reluctant to spend money; a miser.
