Former Ambassador John Limbert, one of the 52 Americans taken hostage at the American embassy in Tehran in 1979, spoke out against Trump’s disastrous foreign policy on Sunday:
"I, for one, want no part of the president’s posturing about Iran. I certainly want no part of…whatever decision he takes, such as killing people or blowing up Persepolis. So, Mr. President, if you’re listening, please don’t bother yourself on my account, because I want nothing to do with it."Retired U.S. Ambassador John Limbert warned that President Trump had "no plan"
Victor Hugo, author of “Les Misérables”, died on May 22nd 1885. On the bicentenary of his birth, we wrote that it was his "spectacular betrayals and courageous posturings" that made him a national poet.
With the proliferation of computer technology tying many workers to
their seats, Esther Gokhale has been teaching people about basic posture
to avoid nagging back pain.
As the United States Department of Education gets closer to issuing its final regulations on commercial colleges’ eligibility for the federal student aid that provides the bulk of their revenue, a flurry of new reports and litigation are being filed in advance of important policy decisions for the schools. “There’s obviously a great deal of political posturing and positioning taking place,” said Terry W. Hartle, senior vice president at the American Council on Education. “The for-profits want to underscore the importance of the needy population they serve. Critics want to undermine the sector. It’s very hard to separate fact from fiction, given all that’s taken place.” The article is in The New York Times.
Such is the cynical vision of the news business put forward by Henry Peacham in 1641 London, as journalism, in its earliest forms, was becoming a major force during some of the most tumultuous decades in England’s history: no wisdom, he finds, just much posturing and gossip.
GI Twist
"THERE ARE many issues that lend themselves to partisan posturing, but giving our veterans the chance to go to college should not be one of them." So pronounced the Democrats' likely presidential nominee, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, on the floor of the Senate last week. This was a lovely sentimen...
(The Washington Post)
The Los Angeles Times leads with a look at how Obama "abruptly changed tactics" yesterday when he used some of the most partisan language since taking office to blame Republicans for holding up the massive stimulus package.
Choice of Gregg Creates Its Own Political Game
President Obama’s choice of Senator Judd Gregg as commerce secretary may signal a bipartisan tone in Washington.
Such is the cynical vision of the news business put forward by Henry Peacham in 1641 London, as journalism, in its earliest forms, was becoming a major force during some of the most tumultuous decades in England’s history: no wisdom, he finds, just much posturing and gossip.
GI Twist
"THERE ARE many issues that lend themselves to partisan posturing, but giving our veterans the chance to go to college should not be one of them." So pronounced the Democrats' likely presidential nominee, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, on the floor of the Senate last week. This was a lovely sentimen...
(The Washington Post)
Black Pastors Pressure Biden to Call for a Cease-Fire in Gaza
Black congregants’ dismay at President Biden’s posture on the war could imperil his re-election bid.
supported by or consisting of two political parties:
a bipartisan committee
partisan (UNFAIR), partizan
strongly supporting a person, principle or political party, often without considering or judging the matter very carefully:
The audience was very partisan, and refused to listen to the her speech.
partisan politics
See also bipartisan.
partisanship, partizanship
noun [U]
There was a certain partisanship about the way that votes were cast.
behaviour or speech which is intended to attract attention and interest, or to make people believe something that is not true:
His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing.
posturing,noun [U] DISAPPROVING
behaviour or speech which is intended to attract attention and interest, or to make people believe something that is not true:
His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing.
- A position of the body or of body parts: a sitting posture.
- An attitude; a pose: assumed a posture of angry defiance.
- A characteristic way of bearing one's body; carriage: stood with good posture.
- Relative placement or arrangement: the posture of the buildings on the land.
- A stance or disposition with regard to something: "Those bases are essential to our military posture in the Middle East" (Gerard Smith).
- A frame of mind affecting one's thoughts or behavior; an overall attitude.
v., -tured, -tur·ing, -tures. v.intr.
- To assume an exaggerated or unnatural pose or mental attitude; attitudinize.
- To assume a pose.
To put into a specific posture; pose.
[French, from Italian postura, from Latin positūra, position, from positus, past participle of pōnere, to place.]
眼睛白色部分較多,瞳子較小。新唐書˙卷二一二˙藩鎮盧龍傳˙張允伸傳:「詔張公素為節度使,進同中書門下平章事。性暴厲,眸子多白,燕人號『白眼相公』。」 怒目斜視,眼睛露出較多的白色部分,表示輕視鄙惡。唐˙戴叔倫˙行路難:「白眼向人多意氣,宰牛烹羊如折葵。」晉書˙卷四十九˙阮籍傳:「籍又能為青白眼,見禮俗之士,以白眼對之。」
1 (無私無欲の行為などを信じない)皮肉屋, 冷笑家.
2 ((C-))キニク[犬儒]学派の人;((the C-))キニク学派(▼Antisthenesが創始したギリシャ哲学の一派).
1 =cynical.
2 ((C-))キニク[犬儒]学派の.
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語Kynikós (kyn-犬+-IC=犬のような→がみがみ言う). △CANINE]
Definition of nagging