2016年5月23日 星期一

horizon, spill, spillway, overreact, burn out, rust out,wear off, wear out, waterway, crying over spilt milk

No more crying over spilt milk.
And that means cheese is also super cheap!

When snow closes schools, milk sales fall.

Taiwan, an Island Adrift
Wall Street Journal
The killing of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-Cheng by the Philippine Coast Guard last month was a tragedy, but Taiwan overreacted by swiftly announcing sanctions and deploying warships before completing any investigation. The likely explanation is that ...

"If you do have a drink, it’s best to leave an hour and a half to two hours before going to bed so the alcohol is already wearing off."

wear off:動詞片語,磨損,漸漸減少。例句:The narcotic should relieve your pain for several hours before it wears off.(麻藥藥效消退之前,應該可以舒緩你的疼痛數小時。)

馬偕的回憶錄沒有他的座右銘 Rather Burn Out Than Rust Out 曹永洋譯"寧毀不銹"

A Divide on Voting Rights Where Blood Spilled

McComb, Miss., was a battleground in the war for voting rights in the South. Residents disagree over whether their state and eight others need federal approval for voting changes.

Deepwater Horizon Should Have Survived Blowout

Eight months after the explosion of the Macondo oil well, the 11 people who were killed on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig often seem like somewhat of an afterthought. Most of the attention is usually on the oil spill, as if the deaths of the 11 people on the rig — not to mention dozens of injuries — were inevitable. Yet that was hardly the case considering the Horizon had multiple safety mechanisms that should have worked. But on that fateful April 20 "every one of the Horizon's defenses failed," writes the New York Times in an extensive investigation. Some defense systems never worked. Others were deployed too late. Most of all though there seems to have been multiple failures of communication that paralyzed many in the crew right at the time when they should have been working together. The crew members were well-versed in safety issues, but they routinely failed to prepare for the worst possible scenario. And when it happened, many simply didn't know how to react, often failing to realize just how bad things were until it was too late. Already under pressure from executives due to many delays, some in the crew were terrified of overreacting in a way that could damage costly equipment. "Even with the Horizon burning, powerless and gutted by explosions, there was still resistance to the strongest possible measure that might save the rig," writes the Times. Other safety mechanisms, such as the emergency-disconnect system, "failed to work for reasons that remain unclear."
Read original story in The New York Times | Sunday, Dec. 26, 2010 

Definition of overreact


[no object]
  • respond more emotionally or forcibly than is justified:the Authority are urging people not to overreact to the problem




1 ((the 〜))地平線, 水平線
below the horizon
There is an ominous cloud on the horizon.
The sun sank beyond [rose above] the horizon of the ocean.
2 ((the 〜))《天文》地平
the sensible horizon
the celestial horizon
3 ((通例〜s;複数扱い))(認識・知識・経験・理解などの)限界, 範囲
expand [broaden] one's horizons
There were more exciting matters than marriage on his horizon.
4 《地質学》層準.
on [over] the horizon
きざしが見えて, 将来起こりそうで
Sign of peaceful settlement is on the horizon.

(hə-rī'zən) pronunciation
  1. The apparent intersection of the earth and sky as seen by an observer. Also called apparent horizon.
  2. Astronomy.
    1. The sensible horizon.
    2. The celestial horizon.
    3. The limit of the theoretically possible universe.
  3. The range of one's knowledge, experience, or interest.
  4. Geology.
    1. A specific position in a stratigraphic column, such as the location of one or more fossils, that serves to identify the stratum with a particular period.
    2. A specific layer of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land.
  5. Archaeology. A period during which the influence of a specified culture spread rapidly over a defined area: artifacts associated with the Olmec horizon in Mesoamerica.
[Middle English orizon, from Old French, from Latin, from Greek horizōn (kuklos), limiting (circle), horizon, present participle of horizein, to limit, from horos, boundary.]
After a dangerous chemical spill polluted north China waterways and delays in reporting it raised the specter of the second cover-up of an industrial accident in weeks in Shanxi province the problem is seeping into the political system.

In the latest incident, nine tons of a 39-ton spill of the chemical aniline from a plant in Shanxi flowed by river deep into neighboring provinces before local authorities went public with the news. Days earlier, Shanxi authorities conceded officials in another part of the province had also taken their time in disclosing a deadly Dec. 25 railway tunnel cave-in that killed eight workers.

The aniline discharge killed fish in the Zhouzhang River. When news of the spill was made public on Saturday, five days after the incident, the Hebei province city of Handan shut off water supplies for many residents. State media said the pollution was detected in Henan province as well.

The political damage may be more long-lasting than the risk to human and animal health from the aniline, which is used in dyeing, agriculture fertilizers and rubber manufacturing. News of cover-ups in China increasingly prompt searching for someone to blame and Shanxi now has a top official with widespread name recognition: Li Xiaopeng, the son of an unpopular former Chinese premier, Li Peng. The younger Mr. Li became acting governor of the province late last year after a career in the power sector, which gorges on Shanxi coal for its electrical plants.

State media said Mr. Li expressed contrition about the railway tunnel collapse, which occurred just as he was assuming his new office. He visited the site and promised a full investigation.

Now blame is falling onto Mr. Li for delays in reporting the chemical spill, though there is no evidence top levels of the provincial government were aware of the accident when it took place. On Sina Corp. SINA -0.36%’s Weibo microblog service, one writer said Monday that Mr. Li “should resign as an apology to the people.”

So far, clear political fallout from the chemical spillage has been localized to the city of Changzhi , where the initial spill was detected on Dec. 31. It was blamed on faulty equipment at a plant run by state-owned Shanxi Tianji Coal Chemical Industry Group. The company sacked four of its employees.

Zhang Bao, Changzhi’s mayor, appeared at a news conference early Monday to explain delays in informing the public.

In his nationally broadcast comments, Mr. Zhang said that the initial reading of a 1.5 ton spill appeared manageable by the company. But officials failed to realize how poor company management, faulty equipment and open rainwater drains would conspire to send the chemicals into the river.

“[We] never imagined that such a small accident could turn into a big environmental pollution incident,” Mr. Zhang said.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[spíl]
[動](〜ed or((英))spilt 〔spílt〕)(他)
1III[名]([副])]…を(…から;…に)(偶然に)こぼす((from ...;on, over ...));…をばらまく, まき散らす
She spilled coffee on her dress.
2 ((文))(殺傷などで)〈血を〉流す;(ナイフ・剣で)殺傷する.
3 〈車・馬などが〉〈人などを〉振り落とす
The horse spilled its rider. [=The rider was spilled from the horse. ]
4 ((俗))〈秘密を〉漏らす, 打ちあける, ばらす;〈不満などを〉ぶちまける((out)).
5 《海事》〈帆から〉風を抜く;〈風を〉受け流す.
1 (…から)こぼれる;(車などから)落ちる;〈ハンカチなどが〉のぞく((out/from, out of ...));あふれる((over)).
2 いっぱいに広がる[散らばる].
1 こぼれる[こぼす]こと;こぼれた量[物];流出
the spill of the urban population (out) into the suburbs
2 こぼれた跡, よごれ.
4 ((略式))(馬・車・自転車などから)落ちること, 転落
He took a spill riding his bicycle.




  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[rʌ'st]
1 鉄さび(iron rust);(金属一般の)さび;さび状のしみ[よごれ]
the rust on a nail
be covered with rust
gather rust
I scraped the rust off the car.
2 (精神・能力などの)さびつき, 鈍化, 不活発
the rust of disused intellect
3 《植物病理》さび病;サビ菌(rust fungus).
4 さび色, 赤褐色.
1 〈鉄などが〉さびる, さびつく, 腐食する((away, out)).
2 さび病になる.
3 〈才能・腕などが〉(不使用などのために)鈍る, だめになる((away, out))
one's rusting middle-aged memory
Don't let yourself rust away.
Better wear out than rust out.
((ことわざ)) さびるよりすり減ったほうがまし;いても一生立っても一生.
4 〈木の葉などが〉さび色になる((up)).
1 …をさびさせる, さびつかせる.
2 …をだめにする, 害する;《植物》…をさび病にかからせる.
3 …をさび色にする.
rust together
