2023年12月20日 星期三

gulf, engulfed, Gulf War, quell, calm. sought to quell tumult

Spanish Vote Fails to Quell Concerns on European Debt
The selloff in bonds of eurozone nations continued, as investors shrugged off the election of a fiscally conservative government in Spain.

Lloyds Names New Interim CEO
A second back-up plan for the continued absence of Lloyds Banking chief Antonio Horta-Osorio failed to calm investor nerves, pushing shares to a 2 1/2-year low.

H-P Defends Hasty Whitman Hire
H-P fired Leo Apotheker after 11 months as its CEO and appointed Meg Whitman in his place, a change unlikely to quell the turmoil that has engulfed one of the world's largest tech companies.

Beijing Hotel Tower Is Destroyed by Fire
The Beijing government blamed fireworks for a blaze that engulfed a tower in the brand-new headquarters complex of China's national TV broadcaster.

Two more European lenders, Iceland's Glitnir and Germany's Hypo Real Estate were bailed out on Monday, as the credit crisis that has engulfed the United States financial sector goes increasingly global.

Yet every day, from late at night until dawn, the streets of cities are filled with people in search of a humble shelter in which to lay their head. They may be office workers who have missed the last train, young people out late in entertainment districts or day laborers with no place to call home. Early on Wednesday, one such "shelter" in Osaka was engulfed in the smoke of a fire.

Fifteen men died, likely of smoke inhalation, at an all-night video parlor that offered private viewing booths. Police arrested a male customer on suspicion of arson, murder and attempted murder.

江畑氏の著書は好きだったのに 涙ぽろり 湾岸戦争時によくTV出演していて、その独特のヘアスタイルで茶の間を賑わわせていたのが懐かしい… ...

Gulf War

A war fought in 1991 in which a coalition of countries led by the United States destroyed much of the military capability of Iraq and drove the Iraqi army out of Kuwait. Also called Persian Gulf War.

  1. (Abbr. G.) A large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land, especially a long landlocked portion of sea opening through a strait.
  2. A deep, wide chasm; an abyss.
  3. A wide gap, as in understanding: "the gulf between the Victorian sensibility and our own" (Babette Deutsch).
  4. Something, such as a whirlpool, that draws down or engulfs.
tr.v., gulfed, gulf·ing, gulfs.

To engulf.

[Middle English goulf, from Old French golfe, from Old Italian golfo, from Late Latin colpus, colfus, from Greek kolpos, bosom, gulf.]

engulf Show phonetics
verb [T]
to surround and cover something or someone completely:
The flames rapidly engulfed the house.
Northern areas of the country were engulfed by/in a snowstorm last night.
The war is threatening to engulf the entire region.

en・gulf[ inlf ]


1 〈恐怖などが〉…を襲う

A real panic engulfed me.

2 〈火・波・戦火などが〉…を飲み込む, 巻き込む;…を(水中に)沈没させる

(kwĕl) pronunciation
tr.v., quelled, quell·ing, quells.
  1. To put down forcibly; suppress: Police quelled the riot.
  2. To pacify; quiet: finally quelled the children's fears.

[Middle English quellen, to kill, from Old English cwellan.]
