Notes of a word-watcher, Hanching Chung. A first port of call for English learning.
2024年11月28日 星期四
frazzled, askew, bleary, shrinkflation, funflation. grocery shrink ray, deflation, or package downsizing. Michelangelo's Grocery List with Drawings, 1518 ( probably the servant tasked with the grocery run was illiterate)
Michelangelo's Grocery List with Drawings, 1518 ( probably the servant tasked with the grocery run was illiterate)
Preserved at the Casa Buonarroti museum in Florence, Italy
Swift確實涉及很大的經濟活動,美國經濟學者形容為「娛樂通脹」(funflation),意思是娛樂相關消費強勁,即使價格高昂,仍然無阻顧客花錢,能夠在短期內推高通脹和帶動經濟,除了 Swift ,今年 Beyonce、Bruce Springsteen 等著名歌手都有巡演,同樣有類似效應。
In economics, shrinkflation, also known as the grocery shrink ray, deflation, or package downsizing,[2] is the process of items shrinking in size or quantity, or even sometimes reformulating or reducing quality,[3] while their prices remain the same or increase.[4][5] The word is a portmanteau of the words shrink and inflation. First usage of the term "shrinkflation" with its current meaning has been attributed to the economist Pippa Malmgren, though the same term had been used earlier by historian Brian Domitrovic to refer to an economy shrinking while also suffering high inflation.[6]
Shrinkflation allows companies to increase their operating margin and profitability by reducing costs whilst maintaining sales volume, and is often used as an alternative to raising prices in line with inflation.[7] Consumer protection groups are critical of the practice.
A parallel to shrinkflation is currency debasement. This graph shows decline in coin silver content over the history of the Roman Empire.
Shrinkflation is a rise in the general price level of goods per unit of weight or volume, brought about by a reduction in the weight or size of the item sold.[citation needed] The price for one piece of the packaged product remains the same or could even be raised. This sometimes does not affect inflation measures such as the consumer price index or Retail Price Index, i.e. it might not increase in the cost of a basket of retail goods and services,[citation needed] but many indicators of price levels and thus inflation are linked to units of volume or weight of products, so that shrinkflation also affects the statistically represented inflation figures.
Ms. DiCosmo claims that women trade much less often than men, do a lot more research and tend to base their investment decisions on considerations other than just numbers.
Men tend to be “frazzled, frenetic day traders, with their ties askew, hair on end and eyes bleary,” she writes. “Patience and good decision-making help set women apart here.”
adjectiveINFORMALextremely tired in a nervous or slightly anxious way after a lot of mental or physical effort:I've had a stressful day at work and it's left me feeling a bit frazzled.
noun[S]INFORMALShe's worn herself to a frazzle (= made herself very tired and nervous) trying to meet the deadline.
askewadjective[after verb], adverb
not straight or level:Isn't that picture slightly askew?My hat was askew so I adjusted it in the mirror.
adjectiveIf you have bleary eyes, your eyes are red and watery and you cannot see clearly, because you are tired or have just woken up:to be bleary-
eyedblearilyShow phoneticsadverbCarl stared blearily (= in a very tired way) at the newspaper.
Bleary-Eyed Syrian Troops Fight a Building at a Time By JANINE DI GIOVANNI
Syrian soldiers' battle to retake a rebel-held school in Homs reflects an exhausting war of attrition, a seesaw in which the opposition gains ground and the government takes it back. bleary [形](-i・er, -i・est)1 〈目・視力が〉(睡眠・疲労・涙で)かすんだ((with ...)).2 (輪郭が)ぼやけた.3 疲れ果てた.blear・i・ly[副]blear・i・ne... bleary-eyed [形]かすみ目[ただれ目]の;(酔って)とろんとした目つきの;寝ぼけまなこの.
1 則留言:
Bleary-Eyed Syrian Troops Fight a Building at a Time
Syrian soldiers' battle to retake a rebel-held school in Homs reflects an exhausting war of attrition, a seesaw in which the opposition gains ground and the government takes it back.
[形](-i・er, -i・est)1 〈目・視力が〉(睡眠・疲労・涙で)かすんだ((with ...)).2 (輪郭が)ぼやけた.3 疲れ果てた.blear・i・ly[副]blear・i・ne...