2023年12月26日 星期二

nightcap, paladin. Gaming the system. Gaming venue operator

• Australians lose more money gambling, per capita, than any other people in the world. It’s not even close.
Electronic gambling machines known as pokies contribute to an extraordinary degree: a gargantuan 24 billion Australian dollars, or about $18.4 billion, each year.
And war is brewing between venue operators and anti-gambling factions. Each is trying to woo state governments, which could regulate the machines but which rely on revenue from them.

A nightcap at Loos American Bar is a must during a visit in Vienna.
Photo: Wien Tourismus / Peter Rigaud
Vienna’s most alluring nightcaps await at the tiny Loos American Bar, minutes from St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Bartenders turn out exquisite classic cocktails that are amplified by a splendid circa-1908 backdrop of brass, onyx, mahogany, and mirrored walls orchestrated by architect Adolf Loos.

The city's guardian
The statue of Roland has stood on the market square in Bremen since 1404. It depicts a real knight who was a paladin of the Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne. According to legend, Bremen will remain free and independent as long as Roland stands watch over the city. Along with the historic town hall, the Roland statue is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    富有的人之所以招致批評,問題多是出於許多富有者總是靠「玩弄系統」(Gaming the system)致富,這才是讓人反感的主因。所謂玩弄系統,指的就是他們總把個人的聰明才智,用於操弄系統法規,藉漏洞使個人獲益,雖然過程中的行為可能完全合法,卻經常是把成本轉嫁給其他人,還逃避了自己應負的責任,一般人「仇富」,不是真的討厭富有,重點在厭惡「貪婪」。

Gaming the system
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Gaming_the_system

Gaming the system can be defined as using the rules and procedures meant to protect a system to, instead, manipulate the system for a desired outcome.

Examples · ‎Finance · ‎Child-rearing · ‎Performance management

  1. 1.
    a cap worn in bed.
  2. 2.
    a hot or alcoholic drink taken before bedtime.




聖騎士,即帕拉丁詞彙的最早記錄為英語paladin,約為1592年,出現在塞繆爾·丹尼爾(Samuel Daniel)的詩篇當中。[1]它來自法語paladin,後者來源與拉丁語palatimus[1]其中,查理曼大帝的十二位勇士來自拉丁語palatinus,可能是源於古法語palatin[1] 拉丁語的palatinus指代羅馬帝國位於帕拉蒂尼山上的帝國宮殿;隨著時間的推移,該詞變為指代帝國或朝廷的高級官員。[2]在中世紀歐洲,詞彙palatine也是有類似的演變。[2]



本来パラディンは、古代ローマ皇帝ディオクレティアヌスによって、侍従として、また親衛隊(praetorian guard)と呼ばれる宮殿の護衛兵として作られた。中世初期には意味が変わり、ローマ教皇に仕える高官と、神聖ローマ帝国の「パラティン伯」(count palatine)と呼ばれる高位の貴族になった。同種の称号は19世紀ハンガリーで、また20世紀の初頭のドイツ帝国イギリスでも使われた。
