Oxford’s Word of the Year is based on usage evidence drawn from its continually updated corpus of more than 22 billion words, gathered from news sources across the English-speaking world. The selection, according to Oxford, is meant “to reflect the ethos, mood or preoccupations” of the preceding year, while also having “potential as a term of lasting cultural significance.”
Top five this week | Comment | "What is clear is that to make the British Museum fit for the 21st century will require a rewiring of its ethos of curation and collections care."

Rahul Mishra’s Ethos Is ‘Slow Fashion’
South Asian wedding wear helps keep the Indian designer’s business of “mindful luxury” thriving.
“We have to kick the habit of just mindlessly following big companies,” said Koji Okuda, a director at Ota’s Industrial Promotion Organization. “Ota needs to become to manufacturing what Kobe is to beef.”大田區產業振興協會(Ota City Industrial Promotion Organization)的一名官員奧田耕士(Koji Okuda)說,“我們必須戒掉盲目追隨大公司的習慣。大田需要在製造業建立名聲,就像神戶在牛肉上的名聲那樣。”
Stock Cars and Chicken Wings
The conservative commentator and author takes a weekly break with a day devoted to watching political talk shows, stock car racing and “mindless” reality television.
- 音節
- mind • less
- 発音
- máindlis
- [形]
1 レース用改造車.
2 ((米))《鉄道》家畜車.n.
- An automobile of a standard make modified for racing.
- A railroad car for carrying livestock.
cf. mindful
: the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution
also : ETHIC sense 1d