2023年12月18日 星期一

cutesy (Topsy, Bunny, Tootsie, Tinkie); ruthlessly unflattering (Stubby, Chunky, Honks, Squeaky, Bozo Bean); ruthlessly unflattering (Stubby, Chunky, Honks, Squeaky, Bozo Bean); and the baffling (m’Hinket, Gargy, Tuddemy, Jeep).


Nicknames are another reliable highlight. They run rampant and can be divided into three categories: the cutesy (Topsy, Bunny, Tootsie, Tinkie); the ruthlessly unflattering (Stubby, Chunky, Honks, Squeaky, Bozo Bean); and the baffling (m’Hinket, Gargy, Tuddemy, Jeep).
暱稱是另一個可靠的亮點。 它們猖獗,可分為三類:可愛的(Topsy、Bunny、Tootsie、Tinkie);可愛的(Topsy、Bunny、Tootsie、Tinkie); 那些無情、不討人喜歡的人(Stubby、Chunky、Honks、Squeaky、Bozo Bean); 以及令人費解的(m'Hinket、Gargy、Tuddemy、Jeep)。
