2023年12月10日 星期日

millet, Millet, pulverized

The ‘most intense day’ of Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza saw its troops enter three Hamas strongholds as fears mount for the 1.8mn people forced to flee their homes. https://www.ft.com/....../0ae3a05e-d6e4-49b7-9714......
可能是顯示的文字是「 FT The pulverising of Gaza now ranks among the worst assaults on any civilian population in our time and age JAN EGELAND SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL 」的圖形

Martin K. Jones(英國劍橋大學考古學系George Pitt-Rivers講座教授);講題:”Contacts across Asia? The intriguing case of Neolithic millet farming”(跨越亞洲接觸嗎?新石器時代小米農業的有趣例子)時間:97年9月10日(三)上午10時啟;地點:中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究大樓 7樓會議室。


━━ n. 【植】アワ, キビ; ((集合的)) (食料としての)これらの穀粒.

A common name applied to at least five related members of the grass family grown for their edible seeds: foxtail millet (Setaria italica), proso millet (Panicum miliaceum), pearl or cat-tail millet (Pennisetum typhoideum), Japanese barnyard millet (Echinochloa frumentacea), raggee or finger millet (Eleusine coracana), and koda millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum).

As a crop for human food, pearl millet is grown widely in the tropics and subtropics in regions of limited rainfall where there is a growing season of 90 to 120 days. The naked seeds are yellowish to whitish in color and about the size of wheat grain. The dried grain is usually pulverized to make a meal or flour and then cooked in soups, in porridge, or as cakes.


━━ n. ミレー Jean Francois (1814-75) ((フランスのBarbizon派の画家)).
