2023年12月10日 星期日

pulverize, governess, malcontent, badminton

The ‘most intense day’ of Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza saw its troops enter three Hamas strongholds as fears mount for the 1.8mn people forced to flee their homes. https://www.ft.com/....../0ae3a05e-d6e4-49b7-9714......
可能是顯示的文字是「 FT The pulverising of Gaza now ranks among the worst assaults on any civilian population in our time and age JAN EGELAND SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL 」的圖形

Reviewed by SUSANN COKAL
An examination of England’s 19th-century governesses, real and fictional.

a person who is not satisfied with the way things are, and who complains a lot and is unreasonable and difficult to deal with

noun [C] ━━ n. (特に昔の)婦人家庭教師 ((to)).

(especially in the past) a woman who lives with a family and teaches their children at home

noun [U]羽球
a sport in which two or four people hit a shuttlecock (= a light object with feathers) over a high net
pronunciation Many people enjoy playing badminton on warm summer evenings.Wikipedia article "Badminton".
A drink prepared with claret, sugar, and soda water.

pulverize, UK USUALLY pulverise Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to press or crush something until it becomes powder or a soft mass:
pulverized coal/bones

2 INFORMAL to defeat someone easily

pulverization, UK USUALLY pulverisation Show phonetics
noun [U]
