2020年2月9日 星期日

capstone, arresting, meteoric, vaulting ambition, unruly hair and arresting brow, possessed a quiet, unruffled demeanour.

Frank Plummer radiated calm. Whether he was clashing with Kenyan officials about the spread of HIV in that country or leading the fight against SARS from his Winnipeg lab, Dr. Plummer, with his unruly hair and arresting brow, possessed a quiet, unruffled demeanour.

Taiwan’s new president will have no honeymoon. At home she is under pressure to revive the economy. Abroad, she will need to manage delicate relations with China
Trade across the Taiwan Strait is about power as much as money

Roberto Bolaño’s posthumous novel is not only a capstone to his own vaulting ambition, but a landmark in what’s possible for the form in our increasingly, and terrifyingly, post-national world.

This lecture series will cover what Deming considered the capstone of his career: A System of Profound Knowledge. In this first lecture, I will outline its evolution from his work in Statistical Studies to the state of its development at his death in 1993. I will also continue with my development of it to date.這講座三場要探討的主題為,戴明自認為生平的登峰造極思想總結:「Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge」。Yesterday's guilty plea climaxes a whirlwind turnabout in what promises to be the capstone trial of the recent spate of corporate scandals. Up to last week, Messrs. Lay, Skilling and Causey had been widely expected to pursue a unified defense at their trial on conspiracy, fraud and other charges.

"I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet." — Jack London

Michelle Obama's Savvy Sacrifice

By Jay Newton-Small From early on, the Democratic nominee's political ambitions have guided his wife's professional path. But her career shift ended up being essential to his meteoric rise

The goal is to install lighting that will make the library an arresting spectacle at night.

“I think the illuminations they do in Paris are the best in the world,” Mr. LeClerc said. “My ambition is for this to be the building you simply must see in New York at nighttime because it is so beautiful and it is so important.”

arresting Show phonetics
very attractive in a way that attracts a lot of attention:
an arresting looking woman

vaulting ambition 


Pronunciation: /ˈvɔːltɪŋ/ 


Ornamental work in a vaulted roof or ceiling:the magnificent fan vaulting

Full Definition of vaulting

  1. 1:  reaching or stretching for the heights <vaulting ambition> vaulting

  • 2:  designed for use in vaulting or in gymnastic exercises vaulting
  •  block;


    Pronunciation: /amˈbɪʃ(ə)n/ NOUN  抱負、目標

    1A strong desire to do or achieve something:her ambition was to become a pilothe achieved his ambition of making a fortune
    1.1[MASS NOUN] Desire and determination to achieve success:young men and women with ambition


    Middle English: via Old French from Latin ambitio(n-), from ambire 'go around (canvassing for votes)'.
    • Ambition comes from Latin ambire, literally meaning ‘to go round or go about’ (also the source of late 16th-century ambient), but with the more specific sense of ‘to go round canvassing for votes’. From this developed the idea of eagerly seeking honour or advancement.


    1. Of, relating to, or formed by a meteoroid.
    2. Of or relating to the earth's atmosphere.
    3. Similar to a meteor in speed, brilliance, or brevity: a meteoric rise to fame.
    meteorically me'te·or'i·cal·ly adv.


    ━━ n. 流星; 流星の尾.
     ━━ a. 流星の; 気象(上)の. 一時的に華々しい; (失墜などが)急速な.
    me・te・or・i・cal・ly ad.
     ━━ n. 隕(いん)石.
     ━━ n. 【天文】流星[隕石]体.
    () ━━ a. 気象(学)の.
    Meteorological Office 〔英〕 (the ~) 気象庁.
    meteorological satellite 気象衛星.
     ━━ n. 気象学者.
     ━━ n. 気象学; 気象.
     meteor shower 流星雨, 流星群 (meteoric shower).


    (石柱・石壁などの)笠(かさ)石, 冠石; 最高点, 絶頂.

    a desire to achieve an important and powerful position and a belief that this is more important than anything else:
    He sacrificed his marriage to his vaulting political ambition.
