2024年4月12日 星期五

*Advent (CHRISTMAS) a season of prayer, fasting, and penitence.What Ramadan is like in Xinjiang: Ordinary Uyghurs signal that it has been a distressing period and that it was risky to be caught fasting

Ordinary Uyghurs signal that it has been a distressing period and that it was risky to be caught fasting

Dialogue | 28.11.2008 | 05:30

Portrait of the Catholic Organization Adveniat

Advent is a time of quiet reflection and anticipation

In the 6th century, Pope Gregory decreed there should be four Advent Sundays before Christmas, referring to the four thousand years which – in the Church’s view – mankind had to wait for the return of its savior. Adveniat is a Catholic organization in Germany with a similar name.

  1. The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important: the advent of the computer.
  2. Advent
    1. The liturgical period preceding Christmas, beginning in Western churches on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and in Eastern churches in mid-November, and observed by many Christians as a season of prayer, fasting, and penitence.
    2. Christianity. The coming of Jesus at the Incarnation.
    3. Christianity. See Second Coming.

[Middle English, the Advent season, from Old French, from Latin adventus, arrival, from past participle of advenīre, to come to : ad-, ad- + venīre, to come.]

noun [U]
the period of four weeks before Christmas




將臨期降臨節(拉丁文: Adventus;英文:Advent)是基督宗教教會的重要節期,是歡慶耶穌聖誕前的準備期與等待期,亦可算是教會的新年。拉丁文Adventus意指即將到來,意義上除了古代希伯來人等待彌賽亞(救主)到來之外,另也包括基督徒等待耶穌的再次降臨。




[編輯] 主日


[編輯] 外部連結

n. - 基督降臨, 降臨節

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - キリストの降臨, 降臨節

Dansk (Danish)
n. - advent

Nederlands (Dutch)
advent, aankomst van belangrijk iets/iemand

Français (French)
n. - venue, arrivée, avènement, (Relig) l'avent

Deutsch (German)
n. - Beginn, Aufkommen, Advent

Ελληνική (Greek)
n. - έλευση, ερχομός, (αρχική/πρώτη) εμφάνιση, (θρησκ.) νηστεία (4 εβδομάδων) προ των Χριστουγέννων

Italiano (Italian)
Avvento, venuta

Português (Portuguese)
n. - Advento (m) (Rel.)

Русский (Russian)
приход, прибытие, рождественский пост

Español (Spanish)
n. - advenimiento

Svenska (Swedish)
n. - advent, ankomst

advent:(1)將臨期:耶穌聖誕前四週的準備期,以便迎接耶穌的來臨。將臨期第一主日為教會禮儀年的開始。(2)再臨:基督第二次來臨。拉丁文作 adventus。

Advent of Christ:耶穌來臨:一般指世界末日時,耶穌第二次來臨審判世人。而耶穌第一次來臨是指祂(兩千年前)在巴勒斯坦降生成人、傳佈福音、救贖世人。

advent wreath:將臨期花環;將臨圈:是由冬青樹或其它樹葉所作的花環,附有四支蠟燭;將臨期在聖堂彌撒中或家中(晚餐時)點燃;將臨期第一主日點一支,第二主日點兩支,以此類推。到聖誕節時,將此花環置於聖誕像前。此風始自民間預備迎接聖誕節之用。

Adventism:再臨派;復臨派;安息日教派:基督新教派之一,主張基督即將再臨。十九世紀米勒(William Miller 1782-1849)倡行於美國,其中以基督復臨安息日會 Seventh Day Adventists 教徒最多。--財團法人基督復臨安息日會臺安醫院Taiwan Adventist Hospital
