China’s biggest factories are offering bonuses and the government has laid on planes, trains and buses as the world’s second-largest economy attempts to go back to work after the coronavirus shutdown.
5 mins ago - The man found dead days after appearing on the Jeremy Kyle Show had told relatives the presenter “really laid into” him, his son has said.
For migrant children, Beijing is a city of broken dreams
For airline passengers, the time it takes them to go through security will go up. Way up
Facebook Slammed by Porn Attack
Facebook said a "coordinated spam attack" was to blame for the posting of pornographic and violent images on the Web pages of unsuspecting Facebook users.
Friends and family say goodbye at traditional Jewish funeral in London.
way up
Far up; very high up.
get the short end of the stick (
American & Australian)
to suffer the bad effects of a situation The people who get the short end of the stick are those whose income is just too high to qualify for help from the government.
laid (
- To cause to lie down: lay a child in its crib.
- To place in or bring to a particular position: lay the cloth over the painting.
- To bury.
- To cause to be in a particular condition: The remark laid him open to criticism.
- To put or set down: lay new railroad track.
- To produce and deposit: lay eggs.
- To cause to subside; calm or allay: "chas'd the clouds ... and laid the winds" (John Milton).
- To put up to or against: lay an ear to the door.
- To put forward as a reproach or an accusation: They laid the blame on us.
- To put or set in order or readiness for use: lay the table for lunch.
- To devise; contrive: lay plans.
- To spread over a surface: lay paint on a canvas.
- To place or give (importance): lay stress on clarity of expression.
- To impose as a burden or punishment: lay a penalty upon the offender.
- To present for examination: lay a case before a committee.
- To put forward as a demand or an assertion: laid claim to the estate.
- Games. To place (a bet); wager.
- To aim (a gun or cannon).
- To place together (strands) to be twisted into rope.
- To make in this manner: lay up cable.
- Vulgar Slang. To have sexual intercourse with.
- To produce and deposit eggs.
- To bet; wager.
- Nonstandard. To lie.
- To engage energetically in an action.
- Nautical. To put oneself into the position indicated.
- The direction the strands of a rope or cable are twisted in: a left lay.
- The amount of such twist.
- The state of one that lays eggs: a hen coming into lay.
- Vulgar Slang.
- Sexual intercourse.
- A partner in sexual intercourse.
phrasal verbs:
lay about
- To strike blows on all sides.
lay aside
- To give up; abandon: lay aside all hope of rescue.
- To save for the future.
lay away
- To reserve for the future; save.
- To put aside and hold for future delivery.
lay by
- To save for future use.
- Nautical. To remain stationary while heading into the wind.
lay down
- To give up and surrender: laid down their arms.
- To specify: laid down the rules.
- To store for the future.
- Nonstandard. To lie down.
lay for Informal.
- To be waiting to attack: Muggers lay for the unsuspecting pedestrian in the dark alley.
lay in
- To store for future use: lay in supplies for an Arctic winter.
lay into Slang.
- To scold sharply.
- To attack physically; beat up.
lay off
- To terminate the employment of (a worker), especially temporarily.
- To mark off: lay off an area for a garden.
- Slang. To stop doing something; quit.
- Games. To place all or a part of (an accepted bet) with another bookie in order to reduce the risk.
lay on
- To apply (something) by or as if by spreading onto a flat surface: laid on a thick Southern accent.
- To prepare, usually in an elaborate fashion; arrange: laid on cocktails for 50 at the last minute.
- Slang. To present or reveal to; confront with: "went around talking to people about anything until he could lay his standard question on them" (John Vinocur).
lay out
- To make a detailed plan for.
- To clothe and prepare (a corpse) for burial.
- To rebuke harshly: She laid me out for breaking the vase.
- To knock to the ground or unconscious.
- To expend; spend: lay out a fortune on jewelry.
- To display: lay out merchandise; lay the merchandise out.
lay over
- To make a stopover in the course of a journey.
lay to Nautical.
- To bring (a ship) to a stop in open water.
- To remain stationary while heading into the wind.
lay up
- To stock for future use: lay up supplies for a long journey.
- Informal. To confine with an illness or injury: was laid up for a month.
- Nautical. To put (a ship) in dock, as for repairs.
- Sports. To hit a golf shot less far than one is able so as to avoid a hazard.
lay down the law
- To assert positively and often arrogantly.
lay it on thick Informal.
- To exaggerate; overstate.
- To flatter effusively.
lay of the land
- The nature, arrangement, or disposition of something.
lay rubber Slang.
- To accelerate a motor vehicle suddenly from a halt to a high speed, thereby spinning the wheels and depositing on the road a thin film of burned rubber from the rear tire or tires.
lay waste
- To ravage: Rebel troops laid waste the town.
[Middle English leien, from Old English lecgan.]
USAGE NOTE Lay ("to put, place, or prepare") and lie ("to recline or be situated") have been confused for centuries; evidence exists that lay has been used to mean "lie" since the 1300s. Why? First, there are two lays. One is the base form of the verb lay, and the other is the past tense of lie. Second, lay was once used with a reflexive pronoun to mean "lie" and survives in the familiar line from the child's prayer Now I lay me down to sleep; lay me down is easily shortened to lay down. Third, lay down, as in She lay down on the sofa sounds the same as laid down, as in I laid down the law to the kids. • Lay and lie are most easily distinguished by usage. Lay is a transitive verb and takes a direct object. Lay and its principal parts (laid, laying) are correctly used in the following examples: He laid (not lay) the newspaper on the table. The table was laid for four. Lie is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object. Lie and its principal parts (lay, lain, lying) are correctly used in the following examples: She often lies (not lays) down after lunch. When I lay (not laid) down, I fell asleep. The rubbish had lain (not laid) there a week. I was lying (not laying) in bed when he called. • There are a few exceptions to these rules. The phrasal verb lay for and the nautical use of lay, as in lay at anchor, though intransitive, are standard.
lay2 (lā)
- Of, relating to, or involving the laity: a lay preacher.
- Not of or belonging to a particular profession; nonprofessional: a lay opinion as to the seriousness of the disease.
[Middle English, from Old French lai, from Late Latin lāicus, from Greek lāikos, of the people, from lāos, the people.]
lay3 (lā)
- A narrative poem, such as one sung by medieval minstrels; a ballad.
- A song; a tune.
[Middle English, from Old French lai.]
lay4 (lā)
Past tense of
[動](laid 〔léid〕, 〜・ing)(▼lie2の過去形layとまちがえないように注意)(他)
1 (▼この語義に相当する自動詞はlie2)[III[名]([副])]…を置く;…を横たえる, 水平にする, 寝かす(⇒PUT[類語]);((〜 oneself))横になる, 伏せる
lay one's head on a pillow
lay a pen on a desk
lay one's ear against the wall
lay oneself on a bed [on one's stomach]
lay a baby down
lay a book aside
2 …を打ち倒す;[V[名][形]]…を打ち倒して(…の状態に)する
Influenza has laid me low.
The wind laid the wheat flat.
3 …を(きちんと)置く[並べる]((out));〈基礎などを〉しっかり置く;…を敷設する((down));〈わななどを〉しかける
lay (out) glasses
lay the foundations of a country
lay (down) a railroad
lay a trap for mice
4 [III[名]([副])]…を(…に)振り[打ち]降ろす((on, to ...))
lay the ax to a tree
lay a blow [a stick] on a person
5 [III[名]([副])]
(1) 〈事件・問題などを〉(…へ)持ち出す, 提出する((before ...))
The parents laid their complaints before the school board.
(2) 〈要求・告訴などを〉(…に)申し立てる, 訴え出る((against ...));〈告訴人などが損害の〉額を(…と)定める((at ...))
lay an information against him
The judge laid his damages at £1,000.
6 〈罪などを〉(…に)帰する, (…の)せいにする((on, to ...))
He laid the blame for the fight on me.
The accident was laid to his reckless driving.
7 〈重点・信頼などを〉(…に)置く;〈希望を〉託す((on ...))
lay emphasis on morals
8 〈負担を〉(…に)負わせる, 〈義務・罰金などを〉課する((on ...))
lay a tax on land
9 ((受身))〈場面・物語などが〉(…に)設定される, 位置づけられる((in ...))
The story is laid in London.
10 [III[名][副]/V[名][形]]…を(ある状態に)する[置く]
lay a baby asleep
lay oneself under an obligation
lay one's heart bare
lay oneself open to criticism
They have laid waste my native land.
11 〈計画などを〉準備する, 立てる((out));〈食卓などを〉用意する, 整える
lay a conspiracy
lay a fire
12 [III[名]([副])]〈塗料を〉一面に塗る, 〈材料を〉(…に)張り詰める((on ...));…の表面に(塗料・材料を)広げる((with ...))
lay paint on a floor
lay a path with stones
13 〈卵を〉産む
new-laid eggs
14 〈賭(か)けを〉する;〈金(額)・物を〉(…に)賭ける((on ...));[III that節/IV[名]that節]きっと〈…〉だ
lay a bet [a wager]
lay $20 on that team
I lay (you) £10 (that) she will not come.
15 〈ほこり・風などを〉静める, 抑える;〈恐怖・疑念・亡霊などを〉静める, なだめる;…をなでつける, 平ら[滑らか]にする
a brush to lay nap
lay dust with a spray of water
lay a person's fears to rest
16 〈糸・ひもなどを〉よる, なう;〈ロープなどを〉(糸をよって)作る
lay yarn into a rope
17 〈船を〉(…に)向ける((aback, aboard)).
18 〈銃などの〉ねらいを定める.
19 〈(猟)犬に〉(においを)追わせる((on ...))
lay a dog on a scent
20 ((俗))…と性交する, 寝る
Did you get laid?
1 卵を産む.
2 (…に)賭ける((on ...))
lay on a boat race
3 (…に)全力を尽くす, 専念する((to ...))
lay to one's oars
4 ((方言))(…しようと)もくろむ((to do));(…を)うかがう((for ...)).
5 《海事》(…の)方角[位置]に行く[来る]
lay forward
lay about
(1) ((文・古風))(棒などで)前後左右に打ちまくる, 振りまわす((with ...)).
(2) 活動を始める, 奮闘する.
[lay about ...]
…を(棒・手などで)激しくたたく, 〈人に〉(言葉で)かみつく((with ...)).
lay about one
((米))(…を)振り回す((with ...))
Lawrence laid about him hard with his gun.
lay ... aside/lay aside ...
(1) ⇒(他)1
(2) 〈衣類などを〉脱ぐ, 取る.
(3) 〈責務・希望・習慣などを〉捨てる, やめる;…を一時中止する;…を拒絶する.
(4) 〈金・時間などを〉蓄える;〈商品などを〉(客に)取っておく.
lay ... away/lay away ...
(1) …を埋葬する.
(2) 〈物・金を〉取って[蓄えて]おく.
(3) 〈商品を〉(残額支払い, 配達先決定まで)保管しておく.
[lay by ...]
(1) =LAY aside (4).
(2) 《海事》〈帆船を〉一時停止させる.
lay ... down/lay down ...
(1) ⇒(他)1
(2) ⇒(他)3
(3) 〈武器・道具・希望などを〉捨てる, 放棄する;…をやめる;((形式))〈命を〉なげうつ, 犠牲にする
lay down one's arms
(4) 〈酒などを〉(穴蔵に)蓄える, しまっておく.
(5) ((しばしば受身))…を断固として主張する;…と権威をもって述べる
lay it down that ...
(6) ((通例受身))〈規則などを〉定める;〈物事を〉書き留める.
(7) 〈金を〉(…に)賭ける((on ...)).
(8) ((〜 -self))(仕事などに)専心する((to ...)).
(9) 〈計画を〉練る;…の基礎を築く.
(10) 払う.
(11) ((米俗))さぼる.
lay for ...
lay ... in/lay in ...
(1) …を蓄える;…を買い込む, 買いだめする.
(2) 《園芸》…を仮植えする;〈垣根などを〉手入れする.
lay into ...
(1) …に殴りかかる;…を激しく非難する.
(2) …をがつがつ食う, がぶがぶ飲む.
lay it on/lay it on thick
lay off
(1) 《海事》港外に停泊する.
(2) ((俗))休む, 休憩する.
(3) (射撃などで)(風・的の動きなどを頭に入れて)撃つ.
(4) ((略式))(人に迷惑なことを)やめる, 控える.
(5) ((略式))(…する)つもりである((to do));(…である)ふりをする((to be)).
[lay off ( ...)]
[lay off ...]
((通例命令文))((略式))〈人に迷惑になることを〉よす, 〈人を〉そっとしておく
Lay off that stuff!
[lay ... off/lay off ...]
(1) …をしまって[取って]おく.
(2) 〈人を〉レイオフする, 一時解雇する, 休職にする
We were laid off (work) for three weeks.
(3) 〈土地を〉区画[測定]する.
(4) 〈酒などを〉断つ
lay off the booze
(5) 〈船を〉(岸などから)少し離して停泊させる.
lay on
(1) 殴りかかる, 激しく攻撃する.
(2) 〈家畜が〉太る.
(3) 《海事》オールをいっぱいにこぐ.
[lay ... on/lay on ...]
(1) 〈ペンキなどを〉塗る.
(2) ((英))〈水道・電気などを〉設ける, 引く.
(3) ((英略式))〈料理・車などを〉(…に)与える, 支給する, おごる((to, for ...)).
(4) ((英))〈パーティーなどを〉計画する.
(5) 〈税金などを〉課す.
(6) ((英))…を雇う.
lay a person on
(1) 〈人を〉だます, からかう.
(2) (脅しに用いて)〈人を〉殴るぞ.
lay ... out/lay out ...
(1) ⇒(他)3
(2) ⇒(他)11
(3) …を(よく見えるように)いっぱいに伸ばす[広げる];〈衣服を〉(すぐ着けるため)広げる, 並べる;〈考え・項目などを〉提示する.
(4) …の埋葬の準備をする.
(5) 〈庭園・建物などを〉地取りする, 設計する;〈ページなどを〉割り付けする;〈仕事を〉割り当てる.
(6) ((略式))〈大金・精力を〉(…に)使う((on ...)).
(7) ((lay out coldで))((俗))…を殴って気絶させる.
(8) ((俗))…をしかる.
(9) 〈人を〉へとへとに疲れさせる.
(10) 〈人に〉話をする, (きちんと)説明する.
lay out on
lay over
(自)((米))(特に飛行機旅行の途中などで)(…に)立ち寄る(stop over)((in, at ...)).
[lay ... over/lay over ...]
(1) …をひっくり返す.
(2) 〈会などを〉延期する.
(3) ((俗))…にまさる, をしのぐ.
lay oneself out
((略式))(…しようと)全力を尽くす, 大いにがんばる((to do)).
lay to
(1) 〈船が〉漂駐する, 風上に向かって停止する.
(2) 殴りかかる, 攻撃する.
(3) [lay to ...]⇒(自)3
[lay ... to/lay to ...]
lay ... together/lay together ...
lay heads together
lay up
(自)〈船が〉廃船になる, ドックにはいる.
[lay ... up/lay up ...]
(1) 〈手足を〉広げる.
(2) 〈石・れんが作りの構造物を〉建てる.
(3) 〈土地を〉耕し[起こし]ておく.
(4) ((古風))〈食料・燃料などを〉蓄える, しまっておく;〈問題を〉棚上げにする.
(5) 〈やっかいを〉しょい込む((for oneself)).
(6) ((通例受身))〈車を〉車庫に入れたままにしておく, 使わない;〈船を〉係船する, 廃船にする, ドックに入れる.
(7) (病気・けがで)寝込ませる, 出歩けなくさせる((with ...)).
(8) 〈ロープを〉編む.
lay up for ...
《海事》…に針路をとる, 航路を設定する.
1 [U]((the 〜))位置, 配置, 地形, 地勢
the lay of the land
((主に米))地勢;状況(((英))the lie of the land).
2 (糸・綱の)より方, 編み方;より目.
3 (漁船員の一航海の)利益[漁獲高]配当, 取り分.
4 ((米))売買[給料]の条件;値段
buy the article at a good lay
5 [U]産卵(できる状態).
6 ((俗))行動方針, 計画, 職業, 仕事.
7 ((俗))性交;その相手(の女).
[古英語lecgan(licgan横たわる+使役の語形変化=横たえる). △LIE2, LAW1]