2020年1月10日 星期五

cushion, pincushion, spare capacity, pore over sth

Study sheet with self-portrait, hand, and cushions, 1493

Elsewhere a small watercolor drawing of St. Sebastian from 1947 presents the martyred saint as a simple scarecrow with a pincushion head. Nearby hang several versions of a 1990 etching that morph the saint into a curvaceous woman warrior who resembles an ancient fertility figure shot through with arrows. They seem to set her in motion.

Loan Giant Overstated the Size of Its Capital Base

Advisers poring over the books of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac concluded that Freddie’s accounting methods had overstated its cushion, officials said.

--OPEC spare capacity, the safety cushion in the world system, is expected to remain constrained until 2010, then shrink to minimal levels by 2012, when the exporters collectively will only be able to pump a paltry extra amount-the equivalent of 1.6% of world demand. While the IEA didn't say so, the shrinking of OPEC's spare capacity in the past decade has made the oil market skittish about any development that could conceivably threaten supply, resulting in volatile markets and prices.-- Bhushan Bahree(WSJ)


*****評 這段翻譯問題重重

“spare capacity” 翻譯成「剩餘產能」是錯誤的。這 spare 是extra意,正常產能之外再視供需而調整。”remain constrained “,竟然翻譯成「維持在有限的尷尬水平」--何「尷尬」之有? “minimal levels”也不是「最低限度」。” a paltry extra amount”的翻譯,漏了幾字。

pore over sth phrasal verb
to look at and study something, usually a book or document, carefully:
She spends her evenings poring over textbooks.
He pored over the letter searching for clues about the writer.

noun [C]
1 a bag made of cloth, plastic or leather which is filled with soft material, often has an attractive cover, and is used especially on chairs for sitting or leaning on:
She sank back against/into the cushions.
See also pincushion. Compare pillow.

2 SPECIALIZED cushion of air a layer of air often used to support a machine or vehicle:
A hovercraft travels on a cushion of air.

cushion Show phonetics
verb [T]
The soft grass cushioned his fall (= made it hurt less).

━━ n., vt. クッション[座ぶとん](に載せる,をあてがう); (玉突台の)クッション; クッション状のもの, 緩衝物; (クッションのように)(衝撃・精神的打撃などを)緩和する; 衝撃から守る.

A wrist-held pincushion
pincushion (or pin cushion) is a small, stuffed cushion, typically 3–5 cm (1.2–2.0 in) across, which is used in sewing to store pins or needleswith their heads protruding so as to take hold of them easily, collect them, and keep them organized.
Pincushions are typically filled tightly with stuffing, so as to hold pins rigidly in place. Magnetic pin cushions are also sometimes used; though technically they are not "cushions", they serve the same basic function of holding pins neatly.
