2017年9月22日 星期五

fart, randy, rack, papal bul, flatulence, fire and brimstone, grizzled old farts, alimentary canal

Cows warm the planet because their flatulence releases methane, a greenhouse gas. But, there’s cool news -- scientists have found a way to breed less-gassy cattle. Do you have a question about cows and greenhouse gases? Drop it in the comments, and we might use it in a Facebook Live at 11 a.m. ET.

Eggs without yolks are actually far more common than you might think, and have earned a number of nicknames from "witch egg" to "fart egg."

Otherwise known as a "fart egg."

"Email, as someone once said, is the body odour of the office, but group emails are offensive corporate flatulence"

“If a character is yacking about flatulence, making randy remarks to a member of the opposite sex or being baffled by simple things, that character is likely to have some gray hair,” writes Neil Genzlinger.

Given how badly the world has fared in trying to solve many of its biggest problems, it is debatable whether the best source of advice is grizzled veterans. But the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations, which distilled their wisdom in a report published on October 16th, has done its best http://econ.st/1eC8aos
A youth wasted on video games unexpectedly paid off for me in an assignment to profile the old dogs behind the newest gaming company: Innovative Leisure. Operating under the theory that the 99-cent download is the new quarter drop, a team of programmers from the original video game company, Atari, have reunited to make a new generation of games for the iPad. TIME gathered these self-described “grizzled old farts” together in the Supercade, a private museum in Pasadena, Calif., to photograph them alongside some of their greatest hits from the Golden Age of video games, including Asteroids, Battlezone, and Missile Command. Gone are their rockstar days of Friday beer bashes and weekend-long “gamestorming” retreats on the California coast, complete with naked hot-tub parties, fat doobies, food fights and broken furniture. Yet they retain every ounce of their countercultural creativity, as well as a youthful enthusiasm for inventing new games, new mechanisms of gameplay—possibly even new genres. Seamus Blackley, the owner of Supercade and the impresario behind the new company, calls them “the Jedi Council of video-game design.”

He defecated ( two of clubs ) on asalmon burger ( king of clubs ) and captured his flatulence ( queen of clubs ) in aballoon ( six of spades ).

Flatulence is the expulsion through the rectum of a mixture of gases that are byproducts of the digestion process of mammals and other animals. The mixture of gases is known as flatus in medical speak, informally as a fart, or simply (in American English) gas, and is expelled from the rectum in a process colloquially referred to as "passing gas", "breaking wind" or "farting". Flatus is brought to the rectum by the same peristaltic process which causes feces to descend from the large intestine. The noises commonly associated with flatulence are caused by the vibration of the anal sphincter, and occasionally by the closed buttocks.

The Papal Belvedere.jpg

German peasants greet the fire and brimstone from a papal bull of Pope Paul III in Martin Luther's 1545 Depictions of the Papacy.


(′flach·ə·ləns) (medicine) Excessive intestinal gas.

1 〈食物が〉腹にガスを生じさせる;〈病気などが〉鼓腸性の;〈人が〉ガスで腹の張った.
2 〈言葉・表現が〉大げさな,空疎な.


Syllabification: (flat·u·lence)
Pronunciation: /ˈflaCHələns/


  • the accumulation of gas in the alimentary canal:foods that may cause flatulence
  • inflated or pretentious speech or writing; pomposity:the flatulence characterizing his writings



alimentary canal


bull, papal :教宗詔書;教宗訓諭:為教宗所頒發的最隆重之文告;通常以「某某主教,天主眾僕之僕」字句開始;如任命主教的文告即是。拉丁語原文為 Bulla ,指鉛封而言。教宗使用的公文程式均為拉丁文,共分五種: (1) 詔書 Bulla (2) 自動詔書 Motu Proprio (3) 通諭 Littera Encyclica (4) 宗座簡函 Brevis (5) 牧函 Littera Pastoralis
papal letter :教宗文告:包括教宗的憲章、通諭、詔書、答書、書簡等。


Syllabification: (griz·zled)
Pronunciation: /ˈgrizəld/


  • having or streaked with gray hair:grizzled hair


late Middle English: from the adjective grizzle1 + -ed1


Syllabification: (fart)
Pronunciation: /färt/
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[no object]
  • emit gas from the anus.
  • (fart about/around) waste time on silly or trivial things.


  • an emission of gas from the anus.
  • a boring or contemptible person:he was such an old fart


Old English (recorded in the verbal noun feorting 'farting')


1 [U]((古))硫黄(sulfur)
fire and brimstone
2 《昆虫》ヤマキチョウ(brimstone butterfly).


Syllabification: (rand·y)
Pronunciation: /ˈrandē/
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adjective (randier, randiest)

  • 1 informal sexually aroused or excited.
  • 2Scottish archaic (of a person) having a rude, aggressive manner.



Pronunciation: /-dəlē/




mid 17th century: perhaps from obsolete rand 'rant, rave', from obsolete Dutch randen 'to rant'


Syllabification: (yak)
Pronunciation: /yak/
(also yack or yackety-yak)
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[in singular]
  • a trivial or unduly persistent conversation.

verb (yaks, yakking, yakked)

[no object]
  • talk at length about trivial or boring subjects.


1950s: imitative
