2011年3月20日 星期日

homestay, homesick, The Hospitality of Circumstance

A Homestay in Guatemala: Making My Own Tortillas (but Eating Theirs)


San Juan La Laguna, a remote Guatemalan town with views of Lake Atitlan, hasn't been drastically reshaped by foreigners.

上周日(2004年8月29日)Taipei Times 有一篇由 Bradley Winterton 寫的詩集翻譯介紹:Homesick for Death:THE COMPLETE POEMS OF XAVIER VILLAURRUTIA ,Translated by D. M. Stroud,Saru Publications。篇名取為'The hospitality of circumstance'。(http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2004/08/29/2003200780

其實,這是翻譯者的一本詩集名稱:The Hospitality of Circumstance by D.M. Stroud(Basho Tercentenary Edition Series 日本詩人巴蕉三百周年紀念刊物之一;據Winterton之文,Stroud第一是詩人,其次才是翻譯者。而他到文化大學之前的20年都在日本。)


【想請教"taken in"這個雙關語,在本文中己點出deceived和welcome in out of the cold兩個意思,那麼在翻譯時,雙關語"taken in"似乎就不能用"符合上下文意"的國語詞彙翻譯(不能翻成"欺騙"和"進來避風、取暖"),在這種情形下,該怎麼做呢^^???

The phrase "the hospitality of circumstance" is taken from a book by the Edwardian British writer G.K.Chesterton, best-known for his Father Brown tales -- Roman Catholic polemics masquerading as detective stories, a mongrel genre, enthusiastically taken up by C.S.Lewis in his fairy stories for children (the Narnia books) that clumsily incorporated his own brand of muscular, no-nonsense Protestantism. Chesterton, writing about Dickens, punned on the phrase "taken in," meaning both "deceived" and "welcomed in out of the cold." He said this characterized holy fools, at one and the same time easily deceived and needing help and protection, and in so saying sought to publicize once more his own populist Catholicism. The chance coincidence of the phrase's two meanings was, he claimed, an instance of "the hospitality of circumstance" (or, put simpler, the luckiness of accident).】

我認真讀他題的這一困難問題時,已經有高手提出一些相關的解說:「路過( 09-01-04 ):

這篇Taipei Times的書評 ,對Chesterton原文的闡釋似乎不盡正確。Chesterton 原文 是在講狄更斯作品Pickwick Papers的主角Pickwick。他是一個像Forrest Gump般好心腸, 凡事相信, 不疑有他, 保有童稚純真的傻子,非常天真,大家都喜歡。他到哪裡都受歡迎 ,也是因為他好騙。結果傻人有傻福,看似容易上當,卻因為他的善良, 樂於助人, 隨遇而安, 往往因禍得福, 反負為正,所以不論遇到任何circumstance, 他都得到hospitality, 都能逢凶化吉, 遇難成祥, 轉危為安 他反而都turns out a winner。
任何環境對他而言, 都是正面的, 親切的, 友善的, 熱情款待的, 天時地利人和的, 諸事皆宜的.萬事如意, 皆為大吉, 環境遭遇, 永遠對他張開雙臂, 對他友好, 在哪裡都賓至如歸.」
【hc:我們經常會用到Charles Dickens (1906) - by Gilbert Keith Chesterton 的第四章(Chapter 4)之末段

首 先,我們查網路英文辭典(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary),可以知道phrasal verb take sb in有雙義:take sb in (CARE FOR) [M] to take care of someone and provide a place in your home for them:例 Several families take in foreign students.;另外take sb in (DECEIVE) to cause someone to believe something which is not true, or to trick or deceive someone:例I can't believe she was taken in by him. 這就是原書介的「Chesterton, writing about Dickens, punned on the phrase "taken in," meaning both "deceived" and "welcomed in out of the cold."」之意思,我的提議中文是:無往(網)不利。

再來解釋一下我建議將The Hospitality of Circumstance翻譯成「隨遇而安,無往不利」:
首先,《 新約 羅 馬 書(Romans) 12:13 》[hb5] 聖徒缺乏要幫補.客要一味的款待。([kjv] Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. ) 即,hospitality 為竭盡主人善待客人之禮,而Circumstance通長翻譯成情況,它是會影響到我們的(by force of circumstance)。「路過」對於狄更斯成名作《匹克威克外傳》("THE PICKWICK PAPERS" ,有數種譯本,如北京:人民文學,莫雅平譯等)的說法大體可,不過注意我們談過的西方文學中的the fools之主題,匹克威克為一holy fool……

Winterton文中介紹Gilbert Keith Chesterton為偵探小說先驅,不過他後來又引「Chesterton was one of the rather bizarre collection of English writers cited by the now classic Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges as influences on his style.」其實,我們查一下Borges:a Biogragphy by E. WILLIAMSON(Viking)就可以知道Borges 的專文乃是將偵探小說看成「迷宮」,他最重要的主題。


[名][U]ホームシック, 郷愁.


[名]ホームステイ(family stay):留学生などが滞在国の家庭に住んで家族と生活を共にすること.

Homestay is a form of tourism and/or study abroad program that allows the visitor to rent a room from a local family to better learn the local lifestyle as well as improve their language ability.[1] While homestays can occur in any destination worldwide, some countries do more to encourage homestay than others as a means of developing their tourism industry.[2] Hosting a homestay participant also allows the local family to earn some additional, needed income. Having low profitability, as it is, homestay can not be regarded as strictly commercial activity, but more of cross cultural exchange.[verification needed] Students generally arrange a homestay with their school or educational institution, but can also informally arrange to stay with a family through social connections, and through a variety of private agencies. There are a number of online homestay agencies that connect students with hosts all over the world (usually for a nominal fee).
