2025年3月5日 星期三

extroversion, prattle, in person, press the flesh, in the flesh, project the ego. French Cinema Leads the Way to a Revival of In-Person Moviegoing

Avicii obituary | Music | The Guardian

7 hours ago - The Swedish DJ Tim Bergling, who recorded and performed as Avicii, was the quintessential shy superstar, a man who disliked the attention that global fame brought him but who also inhabited a world of huge wealth and extroversion. “I love what I do, but I've never liked being recognised or being in the ...

Many companies unconsciously identify leadership skills with extroversion—that is, a willingness to project the ego, press the flesh and prattle on in public

The drawing of Sarah Brown looks nothing like her. She comes across as far more narrow-faced than in the flesh and in need of urgent dental and hair treatment in the caricature.

Japan Apologizes for Bataan Death March
ABC News - USA
By VIJA UDENANS The Japanese ambassador to the United States apologized in person today to the 73 surviving POWs of the Bataan Death March in the ...

As Anheuser-Busch's directors prepare for their first in-person board meeting since InBev unveiled its $46.4 billion takeover bid last week, the independent directors have decided against hiring outside advisers, people involved in the deliberations told DealBook.

Extroversion | Define Extroversion at Dictionary.com

Also, extraversion. Psychology. the act of directing one's interest outward or to things outside the self. the state of being concerned primarily with things outside the self, with the external environment rather than with one's own thoughts and feelings. Compare introversion (def 3).

  1. 1.
    talk at length in a foolish or inconsequential way.

    "she began to prattle on about her visit to the dentist"

  1. 1.
    foolish or inconsequential talk.

    "do you intend to keep up this childish prattle?"

if politicians or famous people press the flesh, they shake hands with the public 

in person 自分で, 本人自ら.

in person
If you do something or go somewhere in person, you do it or go there yourself:
If you can't be there in person, the next best thing is watching it on TV.Also, in the flesh. In one's physical presence, as in He applied for the job in person, or I couldn't believe it, but there she was, in the flesh. The first expression dates from the mid-1500s. The variant, from the 1300s, was long used to allude to the bodily resurrection of Jesus, but later acquired its looser meaning. Charles Dickens has it in Our Mutual Friend (1865): "The minutes passing on, and no Mrs. W. in the flesh appearing."
in the flesh:名詞片語,親自、本人。例句:Have you ever seen any movie star in the flesh?(你見過哪個電影明星本人嗎?)
