2025年3月20日 星期四

anew, renew, RENEWED ATTACK. lead, win, gain, gain on, regain.Yes, It ‘Looks Like a Duck,’ but Carriers Like the New Mail Truck

Yes, It ‘Looks Like a Duck,’ but Carriers Like the New Mail Truck

The electric trucks have a side cargo door, more space and, critically, air conditioning, promising some long-overdue relief for carriers, who haven’t had an upgrade since the 1980s.

A mail carrier sits behind the wheel of a delivery truck as he places mail in a curbside mailbox.
“I know a lot of people say it looks funny,” Richard Burton, a letter carrier in Athens, Ga., said of his new electric delivery truck. “It looks like a duck or a platypus. It does. But I tell them it gets the job done. It works for me.”Credit...David Walter Banks for The New York Times

As Terrorists Cross Borders, Europe Sees Anew That Its Intelligence Does Not

Report: Android Tablets Gain on iPads in Business Market

美國各州大選顏色區分lead, win, gain三種

Exports are likely to remain lackluster until global consumers regain their appetite for consumption.”

To regain power, the Traditionalists argue, the G.O.P. should return to its core ideas: Cut government, cut taxes, restrict immigration. Rally behind Sarah Palin.

Microsoft Makes New Push Into Music
After past disappointments, Microsoft will pair its latest digital music offering with the Xbox and Windows as part of a broad set of bets to regain ground it has lost to Apple. 

Investors Are Drawn Anew to Digital Music

Japan's Prime Minister Declares Fukushima Plant Stable

New York Times
By HIROKO TABUCHI TOKYO — Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda of Japan has declared an end to the world's worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl, saying technicians have regained control of reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. ...


  • 発音記号[géin]

1 〈ほしいものを〉(努力の結果)得る, 手に入れる;…をもうける;…を(競争などで)勝ち取る;(時間を)かせぐ
gain a victory
gain an advantage over ...
gain experience
there's nothing to be gained by ...
You have little to gain and much to lose.
2 …を説得する;〈人を〉味方に引き入れる((over))
She gained her brother as an ally.
3 …を増す, 加える;〈時計が〉…分[秒, 時間]進む(⇔lose)
gain experience
Our party gained 15 seats.
The plane gained altitude.
That clock gains several minutes a week.
The yen gained ¥8 against the dollar.
4 ((形式または文))…に(努力して)到達する, 着く;〈目的を〉達成する
gain the summit of a mountain
5 〈損失を〉こうむる.
6 〈事態を〉招く;〈人に〉…をもたらす
His defiance gained him the king's wrath.
1 よくなる, 進歩する;(…を)増す((in ...))
gain in popularity
The patient was gaining daily.
2 (…で)利益を得る((by, from ...))
stand to gain
3I([副])](…に)どんどん接近する((on, upon ...))
The pirate ship gained onuponus.
4 (…を)引き離す((on, upon ...))
gain on one's pursuers
5 〈時計が〉進む(⇔lose)
gain by one minute a day
gain on [upon] ...
(1) ⇒(自)3, 4
(2) 〈海が〉〈陸地を〉浸食する.
(3) …の気に入る, をとりこにする
The passion for liquor was gaining on him.
(4) ((古))…に取り入る, の歓心を得る.
1 利益, 利得, メリット;((〜s))もうけ, 報酬, 賞金, 得点
ill-gotten gains
for gain
No pain, no gain. [=There is no gain without pain. ]
((ことわざ)) 骨折りなくして利益なし;苦は楽の種.
2 (量・数の)増加;進歩
a gain of ¥8 onagainstthe dollar in two days
3 [U](利益などの)取得.
4 (ラジオなどの)音量調整
ride gain
5 《電子工学》(増幅器の)振幅利得(入力に対する出力の割合).


  • 発音記号[rigéin]
1 …を取り戻す[返す], 回復する
regain consciousness
意識を回復する, 正気づく
regain one's breath
regain one's balance [footing]
2 ((形式))〈場所・状態に〉復帰する, 帰り着く.

  1. having been resumedre-established, or revived.
    "he is currently fighting a renewed attempt by the US to extradite him"

(rĭ-nū', -nyū') pronunciation

v., -newed, -new·ing, -news. v.tr.
  1. To make new or as if new again; restore: renewed the antique chair.
  2. To take up again; resume: renew an old friendship; renewed the argument.
  3. To repeat so as to reaffirm: renew a promise.
  4. To regain or restore the physical or mental vigor of; revive: I renewed my spirits in the country air.
    1. To arrange for the extension of: renew a contract; renew a magazine subscription.
    2. To arrange to extend the loan of: renewed the library books before they were overdue.
  5. To replenish: renewed the water in the humidifier.
  6. To bring into being again; reestablish.
  1. To become new again.
  2. To start over.
[Middle English renewen : re-, re- + newen, to renew (from new, new; see new).]
renewer re·new'er n.

(ə-nū', ə-nyū') pronunciation
  1. Once more; again.
  2. In a new and different way, form, or manner.
[Middle English : a, of (from Old English of; see of) + new, new thing (from Old English nīwe; see new), or a-, on. See a-2 + new.]
