2025年3月18日 星期二

shun, hedge bet, void, avoid, eschew, trappings. Elon Musk’s Tesla Pay Package Is Voided by Judge.Trump Says Biden’s Pardons are ‘Void’ and ‘Vacant’ Because of Autopen

Trump Says Biden’s Pardons are ‘Void’ and ‘Vacant’ Because of Autopen

President Trump claimed pardons issued by former President Biden were void in a social media post that embraced a baseless right-wing conspiracy theory.

Time Magazine
https://time.com › Politics › Donald Trump

President Donald Trump signaled that he intends to nullify the presidential pardons—an act experts say falls out the scope of his power.

Trump claims Biden's pardons of Jan. 6 committee ...

Now playing in China: Putin-aligned artists who have been shunned in the West.

The app which Britain started trialling on the Isle of Wight eschews the Apple and Google protocol in favour of a home-grown solution
Pony Ma is known for personally handing out red envelopes for the holiday, but the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus has people shunning large gatherings.
James Watson has complained of becoming an 'unperson' after telling the Sunday Times in 2007 that while people may like to think that all races are born with equal intelligence, those 'who have to deal with black employees find this not true'.
Adam Rutherford: The scientist is crying poverty and selling his Nobel...

Francis’ Humility Strikes New Tone at the Vatican
Pope Francis, eschewing some of the grandiose trappings of the papacy in favor of an emphasis on simplicity, modesty and charity, has raised morale, observers say.
‘Bloodless’ Lung Transplants Hint at Future
Hospitals are working to further innovate “bloodless” operations, both to treat those who shun transfusions and to advance techniques for all patients. Rebecca Tomczak, center, traveled to Houston for care. 

Russian Mogul Joins the Race Against Putin

Mikhail D. Prokhorov, a billionaire industrialist and owner of the New Jersey Nets, said he is seeking to fill a void in Russia's opposition by challenging Vladimir V. Putin for the presidency.

Irked, Wall St. Hedges Its Bet on Democrats

Bankers, unhappy at the president’s proposals for tighter financial regulations, are shifting donations to Republicans.


Pronunciation: /ɪsˈtʃuː, ɛs-/
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Definition of eschew


[with object]
deliberately avoid using; abstain from:he appealed to the crowd to eschew violence

eschew (verb) Avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of.
Usage:Unlike many Hollywood starlets, she eschews publicity and does her best to avoid being photographed in public.


  1. To plant or cultivate hedges.
  2. To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.
  3. To avoid making a clear, direct response or statement.


Definition of shun in English:

VERB (shunsshunningshunned)

Persistently avoidignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution:he shunned fashionable society(as adjective shunnedthe shunned wife’s quietdivorce


Old English scunian 'abhor, shrink back with fear, seek safety from an enemy', of unknown origin.


    音節 shun
発音 ʃʌ'n
shuns (複数形) • shunned (過去形) • shunned (過去分詞) • shunning (現在分詞) • shuns (三人称単数現在)
[動](〜ned, 〜・ning)(他)[III[名]/doing]…を避ける
shun meeting people

tr.v., a·void·ed, a·void·ing, a·voids.
  1. To stay clear of; shun. See synonyms at escape.
  2. To keep from happening: avoid illness with rest and a balanced diet.
  3. Law. To annul or make void; invalidate.
  4. Obsolete. To void or expel.
[Middle English avoiden, from Anglo-Norman avoider, to empty out, variant of Old French esvuidier : es-, out (from Latin ex-; see ex-) + vuidier, to empty (from voide, empty; see void).]
avoidable a·void'a·ble adj.
avoidably a·void'a·bly adv.
avoider a·void'er n.

(void) pronunciation
  1. Containing no matter; empty.
  2. Not occupied; unfilled.
  3. Completely lacking; devoid: void of understanding. See synonyms at empty.
  4. Ineffective; useless.
  5. Having no legal force or validity; null: a contract rendered void.
  6. Games. Lacking cards of a particular suit in a dealt hand.
    1. An empty space.
    2. A vacuum.
  1. An open space or a break in continuity; a gap.
  2. A feeling or state of emptiness, loneliness, or loss.
  3. Games. Absence of cards of a particular suit in a dealt hand: a void in hearts.

v., void·ed, void·ing, voids. v.tr.
  1. To take out (the contents of something); empty.
  2. To excrete (body wastes).
  3. To leave; vacate.
  4. To make void or of no validity; invalidate: issued a new passport and voided the old one.
To excrete body wastes.

[Middle English, from Old French voide, feminine of voit, from Vulgar Latin *vocitus, alteration of Latin vacīvus, vocīvus, variant of vacuus, from vacāre, to be empty.]
voider void'er n.


Pronunciation: /ˈtrapɪŋz/
Definition of trappings

  • 1the outward signs, features, or objects associated with a particular situation, role, or job:I had the trappings of success
  • 2a horse’s ornamental harness.


late Middle English: derivative of trap2
