‘This place. . . defies description,’ wrote Goethe. Can contemporary art compete with Naples? http://on.ft.com/2EUBV6s
In an Eclectic Concert Series, a Meeting of Rock and Classical Composers

Leon Neal/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Jonny Greenwood, the lead guitarist of the band Radiohead, who as a young music student was influenced by Messiaen.
With all the fuss over Radiohead’s new “In Rainbows” album, with its pay-what-you-want downloading policy in the fall, and its CD version topping the charts last week, fans of the band might miss another significant milestone for the group, or at least for one of its players. On Wednesday and Thursday the innovative, genre-mixing Wordless Music series will present the first American performance of “Popcorn Superhet Receiver,” a 2005 string orchestra work by Jonny Greenwood, Radiohead’s lead guitarist, on a program with music by John Adams and Gavin Bryars.
The World of Funk
Along with R&B, soul and hip-hop, funk is one of the most enduring forms of popular music to emerge from the Black American community. Funk made its way to the forefront in the
early 1970s and has influenced many other genres ever since. Take electronic sampling, for example, the backbone of so much pop music nowadays. Funk is the most sampled genre of any.
Plato's dialogues
1. | 掲載ページ - p.7: |
"One can see most clearly in Plato's dialogues that people did not come to Socrates to "learn philosophy," but rather to hear Socrates' version ... "從柏拉圖的諸對話錄中可以清楚地看到,人們來到蘇格拉底身邊並不是為了“學習哲學”,而是傾聽蘇格拉底的哲學觀(以及他對其他人的哲學觀猛烈而機智的攻擊),就像他們去別的哲學家那裏是為了傾聽(同時學習)他們的哲學觀一樣。 | |
2. | 掲載ページ - p.42: |
" ... Prior to Aristotle, this notion was never mentioned, as even a casual glance at Plato's dialogues would reveal" | |
3. | 掲載ページ - p.81: |
" ... local counterparts. We have many beautiful examples of this process in Plato's dialogues and a great deal of surviv- ing evidence concerning the slow process ... " A dialogue (sometimes spelled dialog[1]) is a reciprocal conversation between two or more entities. The etymological origins of the word (in Greek διά(diá,through) + λόγος(logos,word,speech) concepts like flowing-through meaning) do not necessarily convey the way in which people have come to use the word, with some confusion between the prefix διά-(diá-,through) and the prefix δι-(di-, two) leading to the assumption that a dialogue is necessarily between only two parties. Literary and philosophical genreWhen reported or imitated in writing, "dialogue" labels a form of literature used by the Greeks and Indians for purposes of rhetorical entertainment and instruction. This form has scarcely been modified since the days of its invention.更多 Wikipedia article "Dialogue". |
sample (MUSIC) Show phonetics
to record part of a song and use the recording to make a new piece of music:
This song has been heavily sampled.

adjective FORMAL
Methods, beliefs, ideas, etc. that are eclectic, combine whatever seem the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system:
an eclectic style/approach
an eclectic taste in literature
eclectically adverb FORMAL
eclecticism noun [U] FORMAL
━━ a., n. 取捨選択的な; 折衷主義[派]の(人).