2025年3月18日 星期二

extemporaneous speech 即席演說 he speaks extemporaneously. 。族國主義 nationalism 國家主義 statism( 法文etatisme 誤將政府等於國家)

 “Nvidia makes the chips that are oxygen for A.I., so people are on their toes to learn about their latest and greatest,” 

Mr. Huang, 62, similarly prepares in great detail for Nvidia GTC. Two months ahead of the event, he works with the company’s product divisions to identify what to announce, said Greg Estes, Nvidia’s vice president of corporate marketing. Mr. Huang also works with the marketing team to develop slides and demonstrations to show onstage, creating bullet points and checking facts that he may cite.

But Mr. Huang never writes a speech, Mr. Estes said. When he takes the stage in his trademark black leather jacket, he speaks extemporaneously. A speech scheduled for 90 minutes can run more than two hours.

62 歲的黃先生也為 Nvidia GTC 做了非常詳細的準備。 Nvidia 公司行銷副總裁 Greg Estes 表示,在發表會開始前兩個月,他就與公司的產品部門進行了溝通,以確定要發布的內容。黃先生還與行銷團隊合作製作幻燈片和簡報以供在舞台上展示,列出要點並核實他可能引用的事實。

