2025年3月21日 星期五

crib, parlay, accuses the author of plagiarism, misdeed, megachurch. parlayed his fame and amiable personality into a multimillion-dollar grill business. Biden Hopes to Parlay Lebanon Cease-Fire Into a Broader Regional Peace

George Foreman, Boxing Champion and Grilling Magnate, Dies at 76

He claimed a world title in his 20s and again in his 40s, and then parlayed his fame and amiable personality into a multimillion-dollar grill business.

拳擊冠軍、燒烤業巨頭喬治·福爾曼去世,享年 76 歲
他在 20 多歲時和 40 多歲時兩次奪得世界冠軍,然後利用他的名氣和和藹可親的性格,經營著價值數百萬美元的燒烤店。


Biden Hopes to Parlay Lebanon Cease-Fire Into a Broader Regional Peace

With a deal to end more than a year of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, President Biden is turning his attention back to stopping the war in Gaza.

How One Family Parlayed Mexican Food Into a Los Angeles Landmark

Art is either revolution or plagiarism

― Paul Gauguin(1948-1903)

Germany’s Plague of Plagiarism

Ever since a former minister was found to have plagiarized parts of his dissertation, plagiarism allegations have rocked Germany.

Leader of Megachurch to Step Away

Troubled by allegations of sexual and financial misdeeds, Bishop Eddie L. Long — above, in 2010 — said he would stop preaching for a time at his church near Atlanta.
Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age
College officials suggest that many students simply do not grasp that using words they did not write is a serious academic misdeed.
A Media Personality Ponders a Lesson
Fareed Zakaria is among writers who have parlayed their journalism into book deals and public speaking, but a plagiarism scandal could threaten that image.
  1. New Lawsuit Accuses 'Harry Potter' Author of Plagiarism
    And the agent representing the plaintiff believes his client's case could be worth a billion dollars.
    Read original story in The Guardian | Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010



Clinton accuses Obama of plagiarism

US Democratic presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
have debated in Texas, the largest state contest left in the race for
the party's nomination. The sharpest words came from Clinton who now
finds herself behind in the nomination process. She accused Obama of
plagiarism for taking a portion of a speech from Massachusetts governor
Deval Patrick. Obama defended his use of Patrick's words, saying he is
co-chair of his campaign and that Patrick asked him to use the passages.
Clinton's attack was greeted with boos from the Austin, Texas audience.
The Texas primary will be held on March 4.

Internet Explorer 9: What Microsoft cribbed from Google
Christian Science Monitor
Internet Explorer 9 sure looks a lot like Google Chrome, if this early screenshot means anything. By Chris Gaylord / August 25, 2010 According to a ...

  1. A bed with high sides for a young child or baby.
    1. A small building, usually with slatted sides, for storing corn.
    2. A rack or trough for fodder; a manger.
    3. A stall for cattle.
  2. A small crude cottage or room.
  3. Slang. One's home.
  4. A framework to support or strengthen a mine or shaft.
  5. A wicker basket.
    1. A petty theft.
    2. Plagiarism.
    3. See pony (sense 4).
  6. Games. A set of cards made up from discards by each player in cribbage, used by the dealer.

v., cribbed, crib·bing, cribs.v.tr.

  1. To confine in or as if in a crib.
  2. To furnish with a crib.
    1. To plagiarize (an idea or answer, for example).
    2. To steal.
To plagiarize; cheat.

[Middle English, manger, from Old English cribb.]
cribber crib'ber n.


Definition of plagiarism


[mass noun]
  • the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own: there were accusations of plagiarism [count noun]:it claims there are similar plagiarisms in the software produced at the university





Pronunciation: /-ˈrɪstɪk/


early 17th century: from Latin plagiarius 'kidnapper' (from plagium 'a kidnapping', from Greek plagion) + -ism


--> ━━ v. (他人の文章・考案などを)盗む, 剽窃(ひょうせつ)する ((from)).
pla・gia・rism ━━ n. 剽窃(物).
pla・gia・rist ━━ n. 剽窃者.
 ━━ n. 剽窃(者).

(pär'', -lē) pronunciation
tr.v., -layed, -lay·ing, -lays.
  1. To bet (an original wager and its winnings) on a subsequent event.
  2. To maneuver (an asset) to great advantage: parlayed some small investments into a large fortune.
A bet comprising the sum of a prior wager plus its winnings or a series of bets made in such a manner.

[Alteration of paroli, staking of double the sum staked before in faro, from French, from obsolete Italian, probably from Italian parare, to place a bet, from Latin parāre, to prepare. See pare.]
