2017年9月6日 星期三

royalties, residuals, 'Third-Hand Smoke’, syncline, gobi, sedimentary residues

"Joan Mitchell calls herself a 'visual' painter. She does not talk much about her work, perhaps not out of reticence, but because the paintings *are* meaning and therefore do not have a residue of meaning which can be talked about."

A New Cigarette Hazard: ‘Third-Hand Smoke’

Toxic residue from cigarette smoke clings to hair and carpets, endangering children, experts say.

on Page 45:
"How does narrative acquire its form? One answer, of course, is "tradition." And it is hard to deny that the forms of narrative are, as it were, sedimentary residues of traditional ... "

什麼是戈壁灘呢?戈壁灘(gobi desert)和沙漠(desert)不同:沙漠遍地都是沙,沒有石頭,駱駝可以在上面行走,人走起來就很困難;戈壁灘則有石頭。兩者的區別可以台灣的河 床做比方:台灣北部(大甲溪以北)的河床佈滿大大小小的石頭,而且因爲石頭是從山裡沖下來的,都是圓的,沒有稜角;台灣南部的河床則都是沙子,故台灣北部 河床的景象就像戈壁灘,南部的景象就像沙漠。

gobi (′gō·bē) (geologySedimentary deposits in a synclinal basin.n. Geology.syncline
(Click to enlarge)
(Precision Graphics)
A fold in rocks in which the rock layers dip inward from both sides toward the axis.
[Back-formation from SYNCLINAL.]
  1. Sloping downward from opposite directions to meet in a common point or line.
  2. Geology. Relating to, formed by, or forming a syncline.


━━ n. おり, 堆(たい)積物; 沈殿物.
 sed・i・men・ta・ry ━━ a.
 sed・i・men・ta・tion ━━ n. 沈殿(作用); 【物】沈降.
IN BRIEF: Remainders; Left overs; Extra payments made to actors for reruns.

But here we are in the third month of an increasingly bitter strike by 12,000 TV and film writers. The issues at stake seem high tech and futuristic: the extent to which writers will earn royalties and residuals from the sale and distribution of creative product on the web and in other new media formats. But this kind of conflict is nothing new.


━━ n. 王たること; 王権; (普通pl.) 王の特権; ((単複両扱い;集合的)) 王族, 皇族; 王領; 王者らしさ; 採掘権; 特許権使用料, 印税, (戯曲の)上演料.


━━ n., a. 残余(の); 【数】剰余(の); (テレビの)再放送料, (ビデオの)追加使用料.
re・sid・u・al・ly ad.
residual income (税金を差し引いた)実収, 手取り.
residual value =salvage value; 【数】余り値.
residual volume 【生理】(肺の中の)残気量.
