Social media is awash with advice from coronavirus preppers, from stockpiling tips to fitting germ-killing ultraviolet lights above your doormat
• Quaker Oats, which has long dominated the oats and cereal space, will enter the beverage market with its own version of trendy oat milk.
The William Morris Society 分享了 1 張相片。
Kelmscott Manor
#OTD 1938: #MayMorris died, leaving behind her companion of many years, #MissLobb. The Society of Antiquaries was a residual legatee of May’s will and eventually inherited and restored Kelmscott Manor. Oil #painting by #EdwardBurneJones (1880s)
oat-milk. Noun. (uncountable) A milky liquid made from oats and used as a milksubstitute, cooking ingredient or beverage.
Legal Definition of residuary legatee
: one designated to receive the residue of an estate
這些人被稱作「脫歐末日準備者」(brexit prepper)。
A Prepper is a person who takes Personal Responsibility and Self Reliance seriously. Preparedness is an important part of life for a seriousPrepper.
Definition of prepper
: a person who prepares something or prepares for somethinga food/meal preppera hair prepperspecifically : a person who gathers materials and makes plans in preparation for surviving a major disaster or cataclysm (such as worldwide economic collapse or war)doomsday preppersI consider myself something of a prepper. I don't necessarily believe there is an apocalypse coming anytime soon. However, there are certain items I always keep on hand just in case.— Jennifer Wyatt Emory
A strong paramilitary aspect usually goes with the Prepper lifestyle, even though most of them couldn't run a mile to save their own lives, never mind carrying ...