Illustration to 'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies', by Beatrix Potter. Pen and brown ink and graphite, 1909.
'Ambassadors of Cute' take Japanese 'kawaii' to the world
Whether at a luxury fashion boutique, a clothes store or even a 100-yen shop, the first word out of most young women's mouths the moment something grabs their attention is "kawaii!" (cute!).
China's rulers are still proud and sometimes prickly, but for reasons good and bad they have changed. They got a nasty shock, for instance, in 2003 when an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome, SARS, showed how a virulent new plague, if uncontained, might impose huge costs on a modernising economy. This taught them that burying bad news is not always sensible.
In the five decades after the Civil War, the United States witnessed a profusion of legal institutions designed to cope with the nation's exceptionally acute industrial accident crisis. Jurists elaborated the common law...
Urban Dictionary: flopsy
flopsy. A name for the cutest bunny rabbit that will overwhelm you with cuteness. A beautiful majestic creature with a pure heart and soul. Man, I had to punch a ...
flopsy. A name for the cutest bunny rabbit that will overwhelm you with cuteness. A beautiful majestic creature with a pure heart and soul. Man, I had to punch a ...
━━ a. 巧妙な; りこうな, 気のきいた; かわいい; わざとらしい. ...
- 形
- 1. かわいらしい、かわいい(顔をしている)
・Everything about him is cute. 彼って何をやってもかわいいね。
・He can be cute sometimes. 彼にはかわいい一面もある。 - 2. 気の利いた
- 3. 〈俗〉気取った、生意気{なまいき}な、わざとらしい
・Don't get cute with me. 生意気言うな。 - 4. 格好いい、ハンサムな◆女性が男性に対して cute と言った場合、この意味になることがある。
1 If a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage:
She felt acute embarrassment/anxiety/concern at his behaviour.
The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.
2 An acute pain or illness is one that quickly becomes very severe:
acute abdominal pains
an acute attack of appendicitis
acutely Show phonetics
completely or extremely:
Management is acutely aware of the resentment that their decision may cause.
Another scandal would be acutely embarrassing for the government.
acuteness Show phonetics
noun [U]
━━ a. とがった; 鋭敏な, 抜目のない; 激しい; 緊急の; 【医】急性の ((chronicの対)); (音が)かん高い; 【音声】鋭アクセント(´)のついた; 【数】鋭角の.
acute accent 揚音符.
acute angle 【数】鋭角.
acute-care ━━ a. 〔米〕 急患治療に指定された[に向けられた].

noun [C]
1 one of several thin sharp points that stick out of a plant or animal:
The fruit can be eaten once the prickles have been removed.
2 a feeling as if a lot of little points are sticking into your body:
I felt a hot prickle of embarrassment spread across my cheeks.
prick・ly━━ a. とげの多い; ちくちく痛む; おこりっぽい, 厄介な.
prick・li・ness n.prickly heat あせも.
1 [T] If thin sharp objects prickle you, they cause slight pain by touching against your skin:
She lay on the grass and the stiff dry grass prickled the back of her legs.
2 [I] If part of your body prickles, it feels as if a lot of sharp points are touching it because you are frightened or excited:
Turner started to be worried and felt the back of his neck prickle.
1 covered with prickles:
Chestnuts had burst out of their prickly green husks.
I find this sweater a bit prickly (= it makes the skin sore).
2 INFORMAL unfriendly and slightly rude:
She was asked a couple of questions about her private life and got a bit prickly.