2016年6月29日 星期三

stunt, stunt word, stuntman, heckl, scrub, scrubs, less-known, blend in/blend into sth

"Meet cinema’s small but dedicated community of stuntwomen: because of the skimpy clothes they have to wear, they put themselves in more danger than their male colleagues."

Performing life-threatening stunts is scary enough – but to swordfight or crash into cars wearing skimpy costumes rather than padding requires a special kind of courage
London bus explodes in stunt for new Jackie Chan film

Revolutions have soundtracks. In 2011, Arab hip-hop artists responded quickly to turmoil in the region. The songs of these previously less-known artists blasted through the streets during the protests that unseated north African dictators. More recently, tracks have expressed young peoples' disillusionment with the results of the revolutions http://econ.st/IKXXf8

Although many more Egyptians now live in cities and three-quarters of the population is literate, GDP per head is only a fifth of South Korea’s. Poverty and stunting from malnutrition are far too common.

Even as it questioned hundreds of people who signed Charter 08, the manifesto Mr. Liu helped to draft, government censors had any mention of the document quickly scrubbed from the Internet after it became public a year ago. There was one exception, however. On Friday, the English-language edition of Xinhua, the official news agency, published a brief item about Mr. Liu’s sentencing. The article said the court “had strictly followed the legal procedures in this case and fully protected Liu’s litigation rights.” The Chinese-language version of Xinhua, however, made no mention of the verdict. Instead, it declared 2009 the “year of citizens’ rights.”

You should know, however, that the voice you hear differs depending on whether you've loaded up the Shuffle from a Mac (clear, American, accent-free voice) or a Windows PC (much more synthesized-sounding, vaguely Scandinavian accent).
But hey--all's fair in business, right? Microsoft has given the Mac universe slightly stunted versions of its programs for years; now, evidently, it's payback time.

"It's reduced to one person with one camera, running sound, shooting film, making production decisions all by themselves, and mostly what they do is hang back and let it roll," he said.
To further blend in, the camera crew wore scrubs. They also received training on infectious diseases and patient privacy issues.

 "no pants subway ride" annual stunt

A Day Without Pants Goes Viral
Yesterday's "no pants subway ride" is already a hit on the Web - even though the organizers have not yet posted their video of the annual stunt.


Heckling Outburst Dominates Weiner Press Conference

Howard Stern Show stuntman nearly drowns out congressman's resignation speech.

(hĕk'əl) pronunciation
tr.v., -led, -ling, -les.
  1. To try to embarrass and annoy (someone speaking or performing in public) by questions, gibes, or objections; badger.
  2. To comb (flax or hemp) with a hatchel.
[Middle English hekelen, to comb with a hatchel, from hekel, hatchel, from Middle Dutch.]
heckler heck'ler n.

[名]((略式))1 妙技, みごとな演技, 離れわざ, スタント do an acrobatic stunt曲芸を行う pull stunts [a stunt]曲芸をする;ばかなことをする....

  • an action displaying spectacular skill and daring.
  • something unusual done to attract attention:the story was spread as a publicity stunt to help sell books


[no object]
  • perform stunts, especially aerobatics:agile terns are stunting over the water


late 19th century (originally US college slang): of unknown origin
stunt man


(stŭnt'măn') pronunciation
A man who substitutes for a performer in scenes requiring physical daring or involving physical risk.


Pronunciation: /ˈstʌntˌwʊmən/ 

NOUN (plural stuntwomen)

A woman employed to take the place of an actor or actress in performing dangerousstunts:she wisely called in a stuntwoman to take her fall

blend in/blend into sth phrasal verb
to look or seem the same as surrounding people or things and therefore not be easily noticeable:
We tried to blend into the crowd.
They have adopted local customs and tried to blend in with the community.


(skrŭb) pronunciation
v., scrubbed, scrub·bing, scrubs. v.tr.
    1. To rub hard in order to clean.
    2. To remove (dirt or stains) by hard rubbing.
  1. To remove impurities from (a gas) chemically.
  2. Slang. To cancel or abandon; drop: We had to scrub our plans for vacation.

The less-known usage of the word "scrub" made headlines when the launch of the Discovery space shuttle was aborted due to a faulty fuel gauge, as in the following headline:
NASA scrubs shuttle launch.
Posted July 14, 2005.

To clean or wash something by hard rubbing: Don't forget to scrub behind your ears.
  1. The act or an instance of scrubbing.
  2. pl. scrubs. The articles of clothing that make up a scrub suit.
phrasal verb:
scrub up
  1. To wash the hands and arms thoroughly, as before performing or participating in surgery.
[Middle English scrobben, to currycomb a horse, from Middle Dutch schrobben, to clean by rubbing, scrape.]
scrubbable scrub'ba·ble adj.


━━ v. (-bb-), n. ごしごしこする(こと) ((down, out)); こすり落す(こと) ((out, away, off)); 排除(する); 〔話〕 取消す; 精製する; (医者が)(手術前に)手や腕をごしごし洗う ((up)).
scrub・ber ━━ n. こする人[物], 掃除人; ガス洗浄装置; 〔英俗〕 あばずれ女, 娼婦.
scrub・board =washboard.
scrub [scrubbing] brush 洗いだわし.
scrub・woman =charwoman.

scrub2 (skrŭb) pronunciation
  1. A straggly, stunted tree or shrub.
  2. A growth or tract of stunted vegetation.
  3. An undersized or poorly developed domestic animal.
  4. An undersized or insignificant person.
  5. Sports. A player not on the varsity or first team.
  6. Australian. Remote rural land; the bush.
[Middle English, variant of schrubbe. See shrub1.]

stunt (PREVENT GROWTH) verb [T]
to prevent the growth or development of something from reaching its limit:
Drought has stunted (the growth of) this year's cereal crop.
When Freya was a baby we were advised that watching television would stunt her imagination.


[with object]
  • prevent from growing or developing properly:some weeds produce chemicals that stunt the plant’s growth figurativethe recovery of our industries is stunted by lack of funds (as adjective stunted)an emotionally stunted young woman




late 16th century (in the sense 'bring to an abrupt halt'): from dialect stunt 'foolish, stubborn', of Germanic origin; perhaps related to stump

A few stunted trees were the only vegetation visible.
children with stunted growth

[動](他)〈人・動物・植物の〉発育を止める[妨げる], …を小さいままにしておく;〈成長を〉妨げる.━━[名]1 発育[発達]の停止[阻害];阻害された発育;発育を妨げられた生物.2 [U]《...

stunt word,
References to Wikipedia articles or to Wikipedia as a whole are an occasional theme in xkcd.[23] For example, a facsimile of a made-up Wikipedia entry for "Malamanteau" (a stunt word created by Munroe to poke fun at Wikipedia's writing style[24]) appeared, provoking a controversy within Wikipedia that was picked up by various media.[25] [26] xkcd also frequently makes reference to Munroe's "obsession" with potential raptor attacks,[27][28] and many "your mom" jokes.[29] There have also been several strips featuring "Red Spiders"[30] and Joss Whedon's short-lived series Firefly.[31]

A stunt word is a neologism created to produce a special effect, or to attract attention.[1] Examples are gloatation, titterosity, and truthiness (the last generally being attributed to Stephen Colbert). Some stunt words are portmanteau words, such as brunch and malamanteau. [2][3]

See also

  • Neologism
  • Buzzword publicity stunt
    stunt︰引人注意的花招、噱頭、手腕。a political stunt(譁眾取寵的政治噱頭)。
    ━━ vt. 発育を妨げる.
    ━━ n. 発育を妨げること[妨げられた動植物]; (植物の)萎縮病.
    stunt・ed ━━ a. 発育不全の; いじけた.

    stunt word,
    References to Wikipedia articles or to Wikipedia as a whole are an occasional theme in xkcd.[23] For example, a facsimile of a made-up Wikipedia entry for "Malamanteau" (a stunt word created by Munroe to poke fun at Wikipedia's writing style[24]) appeared, provoking a controversy within Wikipedia that was picked up by various media.[25] [26] xkcd also frequently makes reference to Munroe's "obsession" with potential raptor attacks,[27][28] and many "your mom" jokes.[29] There have also been several strips featuring "Red Spiders"[30] and Joss Whedon's short-lived series Firefly.[31]

    A stunt word is a neologism created to produce a special effect, or to attract attention.[1] Examples are gloatation, titterosity, and truthiness (the last generally being attributed to Stephen Colbert). Some stunt words are portmanteau words, such as brunch and malamanteau. [2][3]

    See also

  • Neologism
  • Buzzword

publicity is bad publicity.」這樣想,或許會心平氣和些。
