2016年6月17日 星期五

grandiose, butt ugly, dowager madams,

Despite luxury carmaker’s grandiose description of Vision Next 100, concept…

It may have a silk "throne," but at least one critic still deemed Rolls-Royce Motor Cars' first driverless vehicle "butt-ugly." What do you think?

The expectations for Chrysler’s newly minted alliance with the Italian automaker Fiat are much less grandiose.

German Scholars Reject Claim of Goethe's Secret Romance

Allegations of a secret love affair between a dowager duchess and Germany's
greatest writer, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, have been hotly rejected this week
by German literary scholars.

The DW-WORLD Article

The Mayflower is one of the dowager madams of Washington, whose curving facade, murals and extensive gold leaf suit a city of grandiose ambition. President Harry S. Truman called the hotel “Washington’s second-best address.” The White House is a five-minute walk from the front door.

butt ugly


informal, chiefly North American
(Chiefly of a person) extremely unattractive.

dowager Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 SPECIALIZED a woman of high social rank whose husband is dead but who has a title and property because of her marriage to him:
a dowager queen

2 LITERARY an old woman who is, or behaves as if she is, of high social rank
━━ n. 王公の未亡人 ((爵位・財産を継承する)); 〔話〕 気品のある老婦人.
dowager duchess 公爵未亡人.
Empress [Queen] Dowager 皇太后.


larger and containing more detail than necessary, or intended to seem important or splendid:
grandiose plans/schemes/ideas for making money
