Saturn's icy moon Enceladus is thought to host a liquid ocean beneath its frozen surface that could be hospitable to life.
Russia and Norway strike deal over oil-rich Barents Sea region
Moscow and Oslo have struck a deal that equally divides the long-contested
Barents Sea between them. The agreement ends decades of negotiation over
the inhospitable area believed to be rich in oil and gas deposits.
The DW-WORLD Article
Traveling cheaply is one thing. Traveling cheaply, in a foreign country, with an infant in tow is another. But Italy proves surprisingly hospitable to a family of tow INFORMAL
If you go somewhere with a particular person in tow, they are with you:
She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow.
decennium ![]() |
(noun) A period of 10 years. |
Synonyms: | decade |
Usage: | The past decennium has seen many technological advances, but I sometimes wonder if humanity would have been better off without them. |
in·hos·pi·ta·ble (ĭn-hŏs'pĭ-tə-bəl, ĭn'hŏ-spĭt'ə-bəl)

- Displaying no hospitality; unfriendly.
- Unfavorable to life or growth; hostile: the barren, inhospitable desert.
inhospitably in·hos'pi·ta·bly adv.