2016年6月1日 星期三

jerk (PERSON), guy, wielding power


Reviewed by WESLEY YANG

The sociologist Michael Kimmel provides a look at the young American male as a crude, aggressive jerk.

The world of experimental psychology is being shaken by new evidence on both sides of an age-old debate. But research into the positive effects of wielding power gets less attention than studies that generate headlines like “Science Proves Rich People are Jerks”.
Experimental psychologists are squabbling over a centuries-old debate

Palin Calls Critics Among McCain Aides ‘Jerks’
By WILLIAM YARDLEY and MICHAEL COOPER Sarah Palin said recent criticism by unnamed aides to John McCain was “cruel and it’s mean-spirited.”

noun [C]
1 INFORMAL a man:
He's a really nice guy.
Do you mean the guy with the blonde hair and glasses?

2 MAINLY US guys used to address a group of people of either sex:
Come on, you guys, let's go.

3 in the UK, a model of a man that is burnt on a large fire on Guy Fawkes Night

jerk (PERSON) Show phonetics
noun [C] (US ALSO jerk-offSLANG
a stupid person, usually a man:
You stupid jerk! You've just spilled beer all down my new shirt!
