The voice of customer/process/space The Voices of Space
private investigator 'acted under instructions' over voicemails
News International phone hacking scandal - Wikipedia, the free ... - 頁庫存檔
In August 2006, Clive Goodman, royal editor at the News of the World, and his associates Glenn Mulcaire, a private investigator, and Davy Craig, editor of ...
Glenn Mulcaire 'acted under instructions' over voicemails
29 Jul 2011:
Private investigator denies acting on his own as Sara Payne admits phone hacking link left her 'very distressed and upset'
在英國國會委員會下令要求梅鐸之子,同時也是明顯接班人詹姆斯.梅鐸(James Murdoch),針對上週竊聽醜聞的聽證答覆交出紙本說明之際,私家偵探穆爾凱爾(Glenn Mulcaire)打破沉默。
穆爾凱爾的律師發布聲明指出,表示他「衷心後悔」。穆爾凱爾與「世界新聞報」(News of the World)前王室新聞編輯古德曼(Clive Goodman)2007年同因竊聽案入獄服刑。
2000-2003年擔任「世界新聞報」總編輯的麗貝卡.布魯克斯(Rebekah Brooks),與接她職務至2007年的柯爾遜(Andy Coulson),雙雙否認授權竊聽,也否認對屬下進行竊聽一事知情。
The Washington Post runs a Dan Balz analysis inside on what the move might mean for the Republican party: "The question now is whether Specter's departure will produce a period of genuine introspection by a party already in disarray or result in a circling of the wagons by those who think the GOP is better off without those whose views fall outside its conservative ideological boundaries," he writes. "Specter's shocking departure may provide a wake-up call to Republicans that a broad reassessment is urgently needed."
Special Prospect supplement focusing on interiors every issue
“Katie and her friends were sitting in the back seat talking to each other about some movie star; I think it was Orlando Bloom,” recalled Mr. Hampton, whose company produced the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, in which the actor starred. “I made some comment about him, I don’t remember exactly what, but I got the typical teenager guttural sigh and Katie rolled her eyes at me as if to say, ‘Oh Dad, you are so out of it.’ ”
On that spring morning in April, in black cotton slippers and socks that barely covered his ankles, Drucker seemed unusually frail and tired -- not at all in a mood to ponder his legacy. "I'm not very introspective," he protested in his familiar guttural baritone, thick with the accent of his native Austria. "I don't know. What I would say is I helped a few good people be effective in doing the right things."
Voice acting is the art of providing voices for animated characters (including those in feature films, television series, animated shorts, and video games) and radio and audio dramas and comedy, doing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, audio dramas, dubbed foreign language films, video games, puppet shows, and amusement rides.
Performers are called voice actors, voice actresses or voice artists, and may also involve singing, although a second voice actor is sometimes cast as the character's singing voice. Voice artists are also used to record the individual sample fragments played back by a computer in an automated announcement system. At its simplest, this is just a short phrase which is played back as necessary, e.g. the Mind the gap announcement introduced by London Underground in 1969. In a more complicated system such as a speaking clock, the voice artist doesn't actually record 1440 different announcements, one for each minute of the day, or even 60 (one for each minute of the hour), instead the announcement is re-assembled from fragments such as "minutes past" "eighteen" and "pm". For example, the word "twelve" can be used for both "Twelve O'Clock" and "Six Twelve". So far voice artists have been preferred to speech synthesis because they sound more natural to the listener.
29 Jul 2011:
Private investigator denies acting on his own as Sara Payne admits phone hacking link left her 'very distressed and upset'
Private investigator denies acting on his own as Sara Payne admits phone hacking link left her 'very distressed and upset'
The Washington Post runs a Dan Balz analysis inside on what the move might mean for the Republican party: "The question now is whether Specter's departure will produce a period of genuine introspection by a party already in disarray or result in a circling of the wagons by those who think the GOP is better off without those whose views fall outside its conservative ideological boundaries," he writes. "Specter's shocking departure may provide a wake-up call to Republicans that a broad reassessment is urgently needed."
Special Prospect supplement focusing on interiors every issue
“Katie and her friends were sitting in the back seat talking to each other about some movie star; I think it was Orlando Bloom,” recalled Mr. Hampton, whose company produced the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, in which the actor starred. “I made some comment about him, I don’t remember exactly what, but I got the typical teenager guttural sigh and Katie rolled her eyes at me as if to say, ‘Oh Dad, you are so out of it.’ ”
On that spring morning in April, in black cotton slippers and socks that barely covered his ankles, Drucker seemed unusually frail and tired -- not at all in a mood to ponder his legacy. "I'm not very introspective," he protested in his familiar guttural baritone, thick with the accent of his native Austria. "I don't know. What I would say is I helped a few good people be effective in doing the right things."
Performers are called voice actors, voice actresses or voice artists, and may also involve singing, although a second voice actor is sometimes cast as the character's singing voice. Voice artists are also used to record the individual sample fragments played back by a computer in an automated announcement system. At its simplest, this is just a short phrase which is played back as necessary, e.g. the Mind the gap announcement introduced by London Underground in 1969. In a more complicated system such as a speaking clock, the voice artist doesn't actually record 1440 different announcements, one for each minute of the day, or even 60 (one for each minute of the hour), instead the announcement is re-assembled from fragments such as "minutes past" "eighteen" and "pm". For example, the word "twelve" can be used for both "Twelve O'Clock" and "Six Twelve". So far voice artists have been preferred to speech synthesis because they sound more natural to the listener.
Apple's Siri Struggles To Understand the Scots
The iPhone's voice-activated virtual assistant is baffled by users with a heavy brogue.
In turbulent times things of lasting value are especially important.
One of them is the »Meindl Brogue«. A 300-year-old tradition.
The models – of timeless design and a quality that you can see and feel. High quality craftsmanship combined with state-of-the-art technology – a genuine trademark that stands for our high quality standards and the skills of our craftsmen.
(Shoes of timeless elegance – worn with traditional clothes or jeans.)
In turbulent times things of lasting value are especially important.
One of them is the »Meindl Brogue«. A 300-year-old tradition.
The models – of timeless design and a quality that you can see and feel. High quality craftsmanship combined with state-of-the-art technology – a genuine trademark that stands for our high quality standards and the skills of our craftsmen.
(Shoes of timeless elegance – worn with traditional clothes or jeans.)
Plumbing the Deep
Véréna Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor talk about their new film “Leviathan,” a documentary about commercial fishing without interviews, voice-over, narrative or a traditional point of view.
Véréna Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor talk about their new film “Leviathan,” a documentary about commercial fishing without interviews, voice-over, narrative or a traditional point of view.
[名][U][C](テレビ・映画などの)画面外の声, ボイスオーバー, ナレーション.
brogue1 (brōg) 

━━ n. (pl.) (粗革の)丈夫な靴.
- A heavy shoe of untanned leather, formerly worn in Scotland and Ireland.
- A strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips.
[Irish and Scottish Gaelic bróg, from Old Irish bróc, shoe, possibly from Old Norse brōk, legging, or from Old English brōc. See breech.]
adjective ━━ a., n. のどの; がらがら声の; 【音声】喉音(こうおん) ((


(of speech sounds) produced at the back of the throat and therefore deep:
Two Egyptians were arguing outside the room, their voices loud and guttural.baritone
noun [C]
a man with a singing voice that is lower than a tenor but not as low as a bass, or a musical instrument with this range
introspection Show phonetics
noun [U]
examination and consideration of your own ideas, thoughts and feelings:
His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
introspective Show phonetics
She is famous for her introspective songs about failed relationships.
introspectively Show phonetics
[名][U][C](テレビ・映画などの)画面外の声, ボイスオーバー, ナレーション.brogue1 (brōg)

━━ n. (pl.) (粗革の)丈夫な靴.n.
- A heavy shoe of untanned leather, formerly worn in Scotland and Ireland.
- A strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips.
[Irish and Scottish Gaelic bróg, from Old Irish bróc, shoe, possibly from Old Norse brōk, legging, or from Old English brōc. See breech.]
adjective ━━ a., n. のどの; がらがら声の; 【音声】喉音(こうおん) ((
(of speech sounds) produced at the back of the throat and therefore deep:
Two Egyptians were arguing outside the room, their voices loud and guttural.baritone
noun [C]
a man with a singing voice that is lower than a tenor but not as low as a bass, or a musical instrument with this range
noun [U]
examination and consideration of your own ideas, thoughts and feelings:
His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
introspective Show phonetics
She is famous for her introspective songs about failed relationships.
introspectively Show phonetics
1[C] [U] (人間の)声,音声;(鳥などの)鳴き声
2 (人間の声を思わせる自然物の)声,音;(天・理性などの)声,命令,お告げ,知らせ((of ...))
3[U] ものを言う[話す]能力;(意見・希望などの)表明,表現,発言;[C] (表明された)意見,選択,希望,意志
4[U] ((時にa ~))発言権,選択権,投票権
5 (主義などの)表明者,代弁者
6[U] [C] (声楽の)声,発声,声調;[C] 歌手;[C] (音楽・器楽曲の)声部;[C] (歌手の)声域
8 (電子メールと対比して)電話.
9 ((the V-))Frank Sinatraの別称.
2 (人間の声を思わせる自然物の)声,音;(天・理性などの)声,命令,お告げ,知らせ((of ...))
5 (主義などの)表明者,代弁者
a mixed voice
7 ((通例the ~))文法(動詞の)態混声
8 (電子メールと対比して)電話.
9 ((the V-))Frank Sinatraの別称.
a voice (crying) in the wilderness
do voices
find one's voice
raise [lift up] one's voice
(1)叫ぶ,声を張り上げる.(2)(人に)声を荒げる((at ...)).
the [a] still, small voice
━━[動] (他)
1 〈感情・意見などを〉言葉に表す,声に出す,表明する,宣言する
3 音声学…を有声音で発音する.
1 〈感情・意見などを〉言葉に表す,声に出す,表明する,宣言する
voice one's discontent
2 音楽〈オルガンなどを〉調律[調音,調整]する;〈曲の〉音声部を書く.不満を口に出す
3 音声学…を有声音で発音する.
[アングロフランス語←ラテン語vōx(声). △VOCAL, VOCATION]
- vóice-òver
[名][U][C](テレビ・映画などの)画面外の声, ボイスオーバー, ナレーション.
- vóice-òver