General Mills is recalling more than 10 million pounds of flour amid an E. coli outbreak that the CDC says has caused dozens of illnesses.
General Mills is recalling more than 10 million pounds of flour amid an E. coli outbreak that the CDC says has caused dozens of illnesses.
J.D. Salinger Dies: Hermit Crab of American Letters
By Richard Lacayo
Author J.D. Salinger's only novel, 'The Catcher in the Rye,' achieved a status that made him cringe. For decades the book was a universal rite of passage for adolescents
While the federal government says that the irradiation of food is safe, the bacteria-killing technology has not been widely embraced in this country.
In Delayed Test, a Vaccine to Counter Bad Beef
Cargill, a major beef company, has started a trial for a drug intended to reduce E. coli in cattle, an effort to combat human infection.
Consumers often cringe at the very mention of radiation, but the technology is a safe way to eliminate the threat posed by E. coli, salmonella and listeria in the food supply. The F.D.A., the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Medical Association all attest to the safety of irradiated foods.
NASA has long fed irradiated meat to astronauts. The F.D.A. has already approved irradiation of meat, poultry, spices, oysters, clams and mussels with no noticeable adverse effect on the small minority of consumers willing to try the products.
E. coli
大腸桿菌(學名:Escherichia coli,通常簡寫爲E. coli))是人和動物腸道中最主要和數量最多的一種細菌,主要寄生於大腸內。是一種兩端鈍圓、能運動、無芽孢的革蘭氏 ...
Candidates Cower on Gun Control
President Obama
and Mitt Romney threw away an opportunity after the massacre in Colorado
for a bold stand on reducing assault-weapon violence.
intr.v., cringed, cring·ing, cring·es.
- To shrink back, as in fear; cower.
- To behave in a servile way; fawn.
An act or instance of cringing.
[Middle English crengen, to bend haughtily, probably ultimately from Old English cringan, to give way.]
- 発音記号[káuər]
1 (恐怖・恥ずかしさのために)すくむ, 畏縮(いしゅく)する((down)).
2 ((英方言))かがむ, しゃがむ.irradiation
- The act of exposing or the condition of being exposed to radiation.
- The use or application of ionizing radiation, especially in medical treatment and for the sterilization or preservation of food.
irradiate verb [T] SPECIALIZED
to treat with light or other types of radiation:
The cells are irradiated so that they cannot reproduce.
irradiated fuel
irradiated food