Cameron: 'The plates of Europe are moving'
Fruit of four species of raspberry. Clockwise from top left: Boulder raspberry, Korean raspberry, Australian native raspberry, West Indian raspberry
Cultivated raspberries are usually hybrids between Rubus idaeus and R. strigosus
The raspberry 覆盆子 is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant specie
plates of Europe are moving'
Eadweard Muybridge, The Human and Animal Locomotion Photographs
The life and work of the grandfather of the moving image, from his early anatomical experiments to his greatest photographic plates.
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- The act of moving from place to place.
- The ability to move from place to place.
[Latin locō, from a place, ablative of locus, place + MOTION.]
1 ((形式))移動, 移行, 転位;歩行;移動力, 歩行力, (人・動物の)移動様式, 歩容(▼足の運びなど).
2 旅行;交通(機関).Moving Plates: Plate Tectonics - Cached
Moving Plates. The action of plate tectonics is constantly changing the surface of the Earth. Heat from the interior drives the plates with convective currents of hot ...plate[plate]
3 (教会の)献金皿;献金, 募金.
4 (金属の)平板;板金, 延べ板(▼ふつう厚さ1/4インチ以上);板ガラス;(顕微鏡の)プレートガラス;(よろいの)板金, 板金よろい.
6 《印刷》(印刷のための)版;(別刷りの)ページ大さし絵, 図版.
7 《歯学》義歯床;((略式))入れ歯, 義歯(denture).
8 ((the 〜))《野球》ホームプレート;ピッチャーズプレート.
10 《解剖学・動物学》板(はん):板状の構造・器官.
11 (牛の)薄肉, ばら肉.
12 ((米))(電子管の)陽極(anode).
13 《木工》(間柱(まばしら)の上下にある)軒桁(のきげた), 敷桁;(トラスを支える水平方向の)陸梁(ろくばり).
14 (金銀の)賞杯, 優勝杯;賞杯の出る競馬レース[競技].
15 《地質学》(プレートテクトニクス説での)プレート.
16 =hot plate.
have a lot [enough] on one's plate
on a plate
((英略式))やすやすと, 容易に.
1 〈金属を〉(金などで)めっきする((with ...)).
2 〈船・機関車などを〉(板金で)おおう, …に装甲を施す((with ...)).
3 《印刷》〈活字原版を〉ステロ版[電気板]にする;《製紙》〈紙に〉強い光沢をつける.
[古フランス語←ギリシャ語platus(平らな). 「平らなもの」→「銀の板」→「金属の板」]